Will a Finance Degree, Major, or Certification (CFA, MBA) make me rich?

The public perceptions about people with a finance degree and the realities of finance careers can sometimes be vastly different. Even students studying for a finance major might not realize what going into finance really entails. Then once you have the degree, you might wonder if a professional certification like the CFA or an MBA […]

IFB97: A List of Really Unwise Financial Decisions

Announcer:                        00:00                     You’re tuned in to the Investing for Beginners podcast. Finally, step by step premium investment guidance for beginning led by Andrew Sather and Dave Ahern. To decode industry jargon. Silence crippling confusion and help you overcome emotions by looking at the numbers. Your path to financial freedom starts now. Dave:                                    00:36                     All right […]

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