Reach FI Faster With The Seven BEST Compound Interest Investments!
If you’re familiar with personal finance then you likely understand compound interest, but do you actually know how to apply that knowledge into your FI journey? It’s hard to take book knowledge and turn it into street knowledge, so that’s why I am here to tell you the best compound interest investments! Before we get […]
Curious How Much Of Your Paycheck Should You Save? I Got You Covered!
One of the most controversial debates that occur in the Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) community are ones that are based on your savings rate. People debate numbers and methods that are all over the board so I’m here to cut through the nonsense and answer the question once and for all – how much […]
IFB202: Derivatives, Tobacco, and Inheritance
Welcome to the Investing for Beginners podcast. In today’s show, we discuss: *Andrew discusses the ins and outs of derivatives, how they work, and their potential impact on companies and your investments *Dave and Andrew discuss their thoughts on investing in Tobacco, and other similar investments such as utilities and oil *Andrew talks about dollar-cost […]