The 2 Main Types of REITs and Their Risks and Rewards
REITs remain a key consideration when contemplating diversifying your portfolio. REIT, which stands for real estate investment trust, offers the ability to invest in real estate with more liquidity and diversification. Best of all, we have multiple types of REITs to buy, such as retail, office, or specialized ones. REITs also offer the benefit of […]
The Recession Resistant Triple Net REIT [Complete Guide]
The major source of income for all REITs remains the rents they collect from their tenants, but how much do we know about the leases the business operates under? Most of us don’t know much about those leases and the types, such as a triple net lease. A triple net REIT is a particular kind […]
Net Asset Value Model: A Valuable Tool for Finding the Intrinsic Value of a REIT
Real estate investment trusts, or REITs own, manage, and finance income-producing properties. By law, these businesses must distribute at least 90% of their profits to shareholders as dividends. Valuing REITs is a difficult proposition because of the structure of the business and the fact that shareholders receive the majority of the free cash in the […]
REITs Valuation: Methods, Metrics, and Analysis (Simplified)
Updated 2/7/2024 Investing in real estate is one of the classic asset allocations investors must choose, but not everyone has or wants to own physical real estate. So, what other option is there? How about real estate investment trusts, or REITs for short? REITs can offer fantastic returns for all investors with a higher dividend […]
The High Yield Potential from REIT Dividends: Considering Taxes and Safety
Many investors look for companies with great dividend yields and distribute great dividends, and REITs are one of the best sources of dividend payers and growers. But what do we know about REIT dividends, and how do they work? Most investors know REITs first and foremost because of their attractive dividend yields relative to the […]
Building A Portfolio with ETFs: A Beginners Guide
Updated 10/12/2023 Successful investing doesn’t have to be complicated; the most important factor is to find a method and strategy that works for you. Whether that be picking individual stocks or building a portfolio with ETFs. The growth in ETFs (exchange-traded funds) since their introduction in the 1990s has exploded across the investing universe. Since […]
What are the Stock Market Sectors? – Global Industry Classification Standards
One of the most common ways investors think about a company and analyze their portfolio diversification is by sector. There are 11 main sectors used by the S&P and MSCI in their popular Global Industry Classification Standards (GICS), which was started in 1999 to offer investors a standardized way to segment the market. From these […]
Quantitative Analysis Explained: Absolute vs Relative Valuation
Quantitative analysis for stocks means finding the value (or “valuation”) of a stock using numbers. There are two main quantitative valuation methods for stocks—relative and absolute. Both relative and absolute valuation metrics use numbers only. This makes them purely a quantitative type of analysis. Both have already been defined, so we don’t have to reinvent […]
“There is Always a Bull Market Somewhere.” Or is there?
Brand new investors might look at a rising stock market and all-time highs as a potential indicator that stocks are expensive. However, new investors should consider the quote I heard from the popular Jim Cramer when I first started investing—that “there is always a bull market somewhere”. If there’s always a bull market somewhere, then […]
Assessing The Capital Allocation Skills of Management
Updated 9/15/2023 Capital allocation is job number one for any management team. The problem is that most CEOs lack this skill, intending to build long-term value for both shareholders and the company. Warren Buffett talks about finding management teams he trusts and acting in the best interests of shareholders, and part of that is the […]