How to Win Friends and Influence People Review

As you click on this How To Win Friends and Influence People Review you might be thinking. “This is an investing website and I want to be a better investor, why would I read this book?”

This book is one of those life changer type of books, the kind that only come once a decade. There’s a reason why this book is #1 in the investing category at Amazon.

The lessons taught by Dale Carnegie will help you with human relations, which leads to better career opportunities and more income throughout your life.

You can be an extraordinarily talented investor, but unless you are banking on winning the stock market lottery, this alone won’t make you wealthy. A successful investor is one who applies disciplined investing principles AND has a good income to invest with.

There’s no greater method of increasing your investment returns than by getting yourself a higher income. And there’s no better book out there to help you get a higher income than How To Win Friends and Influence People.

how to win friends and influence people review

The principles of this book are so simple. Yet we never think about them, and this is what holds us back from that big promotion.

There’s a reason why this book has remained a best seller since being published in 1937. The principles are timeless and so effective because all human beings share the same basic desire— a desire that Carnegie refers to frequently throughout the book. The book is filled with examples of the principles working on some of the most powerful people of history.

How to Win Friends and Influence People Review: A Strong Recommendation

Several years ago, I went to my very successful uncle for some advice on a business idea I had. My uncle owns a very successful business that he built from the ground up, and has an impressive real estate portfolio along with it. Naturally, I saw my uncle as a great resource for advice and maybe even some financing.

Thinking I had a brilliant idea that has never been thought up before, I met him for breakfast and eagerly presented my idea. I was expecting a quick opening of his wallet and great praise for the fact I had thought up an idea. Of course, this isn’t how the world works. Everyone is looking for the quick fix, the magic idea that will work for us. We’re all focused on the wrong things.

The lessons I learned that day are invaluable to me as I look back. My uncle told me that it would be up to me to do the work to make the idea successful. He told me how he started his business by himself, working all the jobs and working in excess of 80 hours a week. He was the owner, the janitor, and the marketer. There was no extra money to hire in help. The work had to be done by him and him only.

Along with these lessons– and some input on my idea– my uncle also gave me How To Win Friends and Influence People. At first I left the meeting frustrated and slightly dejected. Why did he give me this book? Why couldn’t he just give me some startup capital?

As I slowly figured out years later, my uncle gave me the most beneficial gift possible. More money wouldn’t have solved my problems. Instead, I discovered the importance of hard work and good people skills.

That’s what this book is all about. If you have a job where you have a boss, this book applies. If you interact with human beings in any way to make a living, this book will help you.

The most successful people have never been the smartest. They’ve never been the most talented, or had the greatest last name. The most successful people were the ones who learned how to win friends and influence people.

How to Win Friends and Influence People Review: My Thoughts

Strength of Argument: 10/10
What makes these principles so successful? As Carnegie writes, all people share the same selfishness. They all desire one thing, and it is this one thing that you can use in human relations.

Want to gain more influence among your peers at work? Want to get more customers, and have them raving about your business? Want to finally earn the wage you deserve, with the respect you’ve always desired?

A “yes” to any one of these questions makes how to win an essential read. Carnegie breaks down fundamental techniques in dealing with people, winning people to your way of thinking, making people like you, and being a leader. As he puts it so brilliantly: “First, arouse in the other person an eager want. He who can do this has the whole world with him. He who cannot walks a lonely way.”

Powerful Stories: 10/10
As I mentioned earlier, there are so many stories throughout the book to prove each point. In fact, I remember thinking to myself in amazement how Dale Carnegie was able to collect so many great stories in a time before the internet.

You’ll get great stories about former U.S. presidents like Abraham Lincoln, powerful leaders like Napoleon, and business juggernaughts like John D. Rockefeller. You get a broad range of situations, from successful business encounters to intimate family matters.

The stories are powerful and influential. They teach great lessons, and leave a lasting impression that will benefit you for years to come.

Readability: 9.5/10
This book was so easy to read. I seemed to have lost track of time while reading, which is always sign of a good book. The author Dale Carnegie is obviously very well educated,  but he is able to present his ideas without boring his readers. He effectively uses stories to entertain and educate.

Actionable Content: 10/10
You can read about a fundamental technique and then literally apply the next second and see instant results. I’ve seen positive results in my own personal life, as well as in my career.

As if I was blind but now I see, I now look at the world in a different way and feel better equipped to handle negative situations. I also understand how to get what I want much easier, and in a way that benefits both parties involved. In fact, I’ve already shared a technique to help my sister with a job interview.

The content is definitely very actionable, every single bit of it.

The X-factor: 9.5/10
I’m sure you know by now how greatly I think of this book. This book is in the same league of influential, life changing books such as Rich Dad Poor Dad and The Intelligent Investor. You know I’m usually very strict about giving up points in these reviews. Books like these are the exception.

Total (out of 100): 99 
Strongly Recommend. You’d be foolish to not read this book.

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