Our Free eBook and Email Series:
7 Steps to Understanding the Stock Market

Don't work hard for money. Let money work for you.

1. Why Invest?

We highlight the importance of financial planning to achieve stability and independence.

2. How the Stock Market Really Works

Debunking common myths about the market. 

3. The Best Stock Strategy

We introduce a beginner-friendly investing strategy emphasizing simplicity, discipline, and action.

4. & 5. Important Ratios

Teaching you the first metrics that EVERY individual stock picker should have in their toolkit.

6. Avoiding Risk

Simple but effective ways to reduce risk, with real-life examples from the stock market.

7. Your Action Plan

A recap of the knowledge and tools that puts you ahead of most investors, with simple advice from Han Solo.


About the eBook

“This PDF is thorough, and I mean thorough. It’s 32 pages of straight knowledge from Andrew to us as investors. At first, it might seem too intense to digest but I promise it’s not.

It is laid out in easy chapters to understand, in a very easy to read way, that makes it a great tool to not only the new investor but those that have been investing for years.”

–Andy Shuler

About: Dave and Andrew

Andrew Sather looks to invest in late-growth companies that are maturing and generating lots of free cash flow. He always invests with a margin of safety and believes there are great rewards for investors who can think differently.

Dave Ahern has grown into a value investor focused on finding quality companies at a fair price. He favors the fintech space and has long-term holdings in companies such as Visa, Adyen, and American Express.

Now, he wants to share this knowledge with you. 

Tools & Resources

The Little Package of Valuation


Value Spotlight (Core)

$49.00 Monthly

DCF Demystified


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