Index Funds vs. Stocks: We Need to Talk About Investor Behavior

Today’s investor has a lot of options for investing money. Index funds vs. stocks vs. bonds vs. alternative currencies. The list goes on. With lots of research confirming the superiority of stocks over dividends for the very long term, many investors are approaching the stock market but in very different ways. Many books, experts, and […]

IFB55: The Worst Money Advice that Beginners Always Hear

Welcome to episode 55 of the Investing for Beginners podcast.  Tonight Andrew and I are going to discuss some of the worst money advice you can get. Invest 10% of your income Investing in a quick fad to make money quickly Try to get to cute and taking on more complexity just for the sake […]

IFB31: Millionaire Jobs: Interview with the Engineer Who Did it in 10 Years

Alright, folks well welcome to Investing for Beginners podcast I’m David Ahern, and we have Andrew Sather with us tonight we’re going to do a little something different off our normal beaten path. We’re going to interview someone tonight; we have a guest with us tonight who has found success with finding freedom from money, […]

IFB08: Debunking Flawed Efficient Market Hypothesis Assumptions

.  The efficient market hypothesis is one of the hottest debated topics in the investing world. In today’s session, we are going to discuss some of the many ways this theory is flawed. We will talk about many of the efficient market hypothesis assumptions and how they may or many not have gotten it wrong. […]

IFB07: Creating Portfolio Income with Ben Reynolds from Sure Dividend

Creating portfolio income is one of the main reasons we all invest. There are many ways to create that income. One of the best ways is utilizing dividends. These payouts from your investments are one of the leading ways to create portfolio income for your retirement or hopefully, before that. Tonight we have the extreme […]

IFB06: 4 Things the Financial Services Industry Will Never Admit

  When you go to the doctor you always imagine that they have your best interests in mind when you see them. The Same rule applies when you walk into a bank or financial services office. Unfortunately not always the case. With the doctor, typically their motivation is to help you get better. With the […]

IFB05: Going 100% Stocks Even as a Conservative Investor

  Finding the right mix of stocks and bonds is a common question among beginners. As a conservative investor, it is a must that I find a good mix to mitigate risk.  Most conservative investors go with a mix of 75% stocks and 25% bonds to help lessen any risk of loss. But as a […]

Comparing Online Investment Planning Services

Robo-advisors can make investment planning quite intriguing. By using algorithmic calculations to determine the optimum asset allocation for your portfolio, robo-advisors offer you computerized investment advice. Sound complicated? Well, it isn’t, at least not for a robo-advisor, who can help you set your investment goals and can provide you with the best investment advice to […]

Index vs. Individual Stocks

The general consensus among many professionals in the financial world is that index funds are superior to individual stock picking. I have a contrarian opinion about the whole matter, one that is hotly contested and often adamantly opposed. However, it’s an approach that works for me. And it’s one that I’ve put a lot of […]

1,066,590 Reasons to Buy This Investing Newsletter

I’ll be the first to admit that I was a major skeptic when it came to investing newsletters. All it takes is some quick research to see many opinions and arguments against investing newsletters. But then I thought– if they don’t help people why would people buy them? So I had to see for myself. […]

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