Beginner’s Guide: Becoming Financially Independent & Retiring Early

The following is a guest post from Amber Tree Leaves. He started investing 15 years ago and works in the financial industry now. He is passionate about financial independence and tracks his progress on his blog.  When talking about investing, there is a lot of focus on how to invest: What strategy do I pick, […]

10 Ideas for When You Don’t Have Enough Money to Invest

Since I run a site geared towards beginners, I hear a lot of the same questions. One of the most common frustrations I get from readers is that they don’t have enough money to invest. Whether you’d like to believe it or not, this is a powerful obstacle in the way of many of us […]

5 Tips of Investment Advice for Teenagers

Got a request for investment advice from a high school senior who reads my blog. Here’s what he asked. “I know I’m very new to this, and your 7 steps for beginners gives me the confidence to take the initiative to invest. What kind of advice would you have for a high school senior? It’s […]

Saving and Investing: What’s the Point?

One of the roadblocks for people who could be successful with the stock market is that they don’t see the point of saving and investing. Maybe you can think of somebody you know who believes this way. Have them read this. To the person reading: Give me this chance to win you over. If I […]

The 5 Stupidest Excuses That are Keeping You from Investing

What’s keeping you from investing? Number 1 is the biggest excuse that I’ve seen by far. Everybody likes to use it, it’s the go-to excuse for anything that somebody is really too lazy to do. And that’s time. 1. I don’t have Enough Time Everybody thinks that they have no time but when you look […]

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