The Rule of 72 Formula to Wealth

So you want to get rich? There’s few ways that the average person can become rich. One way is to win the lotto. Another, more practical and realistic way, is to learn the rule of 72 formula and how it can bring you wealth. Don’t take my word for it. Albert Einstein, one of the […]

IRA vs 401k, Roth vs Traditional – Retirement Accounts Made Simple

You decided to open a 401k. Finally! A smart decision today. But now they want to stump you with some investing jargon. Do you want traditional? Or a Roth? With fries? Suddenly we don’t know what they are talking about. What is the difference between a traditional 401k and a Roth 401k? It’s simpler than you […]

Saving and Investing: What’s the Point?

One of the roadblocks for people who could be successful with the stock market is that they don’t see the point of saving and investing. Maybe you can think of somebody you know who believes this way. Have them read this. To the person reading: Give me this chance to win you over. If I […]

The 5 Stupidest Excuses That are Keeping You from Investing

What’s keeping you from investing? Number 1 is the biggest excuse that I’ve seen by far. Everybody likes to use it, it’s the go-to excuse for anything that somebody is really too lazy to do. And that’s time. 1. I don’t have Enough Time Everybody thinks that they have no time but when you look […]

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