IFB20: the Intelligent Investor Summary of Chapter 8 and Mr. Market

Welcome to session 20 of the Investing for Beginners podcast. In today’s episode, we are going to discuss chapter 8 from Benjamin Graham’s Intelligent Investor. This is easily one of the best books on investing ever written and is a classic must read for any investor serious about learning how to invest and not speculate. […]

IFB19: Portfolio Management as it Relates to Dollar Cost Averaging

  Welcome to session 19 of the Investing for Beginners podcast. In today’s session, we are going to have a little different format than we have been doing. We are going to answer some of our reader’s questions on air. Andrew and I are going to take turns answering these questions, and this should be […]

IFB17: Cash Flow Statement: Operating Activities, Investing, and Financing

Welcome to session 17 of the Investing for Beginners podcast. In today’s session, we will be discussing a very interesting topic that is near and dear to my heart, an in-depth analysis of the cash flow statement. If you are not an accountant, never fear because this will help explain some of the terms and […]

IFB16: The Market Has Seen the Snapchat Stock Story Before

Welcome to session 16 of the Investing for Beginners podcast. In today’s session, we are going to discuss IPOs and why you shouldn’t invest in them. We are going to use the recent Snapchat stock  IPO as well as their latest earnings reports to help us understand why Snapchat stock is not a good investment […]

IFB15: What Other Investing Strategies Are Out There?

There are so many investing strategies out there it is hard to know which one is best for you. In today’s session, we will discuss some of the major investing strategies such as value investing, trend following, and momentum investing. All investing strategies have pros and cons to them and it is important to understand […]

IFB14: Why Investing Metrics are More of a Guideline than a Blueprint

  Welcome to the Investing for Beginners podcast. In today’s session we talk to Steve from England! Our little podcast is international, and we discuss some great topics. Our main focus is on investing metrics and how they are a guideline and not a blueprint for your investing success. How much to allocate to different […]

IFB11: A Complete Guide to to the Most Useful Stock Valuation Methods

Today we are going to talk about stock valuation methods. Andrew has a great ebook that he wrote a while back that talks a lot about how to value a stock. These are methods that I use personally every day . A breakdown of the 7 valuation metrics that we use P/E ratio and its […]

What Malkiel’s Random Walk Got Wrong about Pricing Efficiency

There’s many different trains of thought when it comes to the stock market. Among those is the idea by Burton Malkiel that you can’t beat the market—because prices move around like a random walk and that stocks are already efficiently priced. Malkiel’s work has been both praised and criticized by many. He is a big […]

IFB05: Going 100% Stocks Even as a Conservative Investor

  Finding the right mix of stocks and bonds is a common question among beginners. As a conservative investor, it is a must that I find a good mix to mitigate risk.  Most conservative investors go with a mix of 75% stocks and 25% bonds to help lessen any risk of loss. But as a […]

IFB04: Why DRIP Investing Your Stocks Should be Integral to Your Investing

DRIP investing is one of the untapped resources to investors. It can be one of the keys to growing your wealth. Compounding is one of the eight wonders of the world, according to Albert Einstein. Utilizing it with DRIP investing is a great way to double compound your investments. We will discuss this and much […]

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