
I have enjoyed and learned so much from your 7 Steps to Understanding the Stock Market and the Value Trap Indicator books. I hope you continue to teach others for years to come. Thank you again for sending me all of the issues. I have already learned so much. You have a special gift for teaching and encouraging others to be successful and I always look forward to seeing your emails in my inbox.

Take Care,
Susan W.

I just came across your blog and read the 7 tips for beginners. As a result I also found this site. I am a beginning investor and am trying to get my arms around everything.

Thank you for the additional resources. I will be sure to check them out. Keep up the writing and useful insights!


What a great newsletter Andrew. Straight to the point and super helpful. I’m at a coffee shop reading the intelligent investor and I copied your newsletter into my notes.


This has helped me understand stocks immensly, I’m currently a High School senior and this interests me greatly. I do too want to become an electrical engineer, so hearing this from you makes me appreciate and relate to this even more. Keep up the good work, you have great intentions.


Thanks, Andrew. I’m a beginner-investor and the value from your newsletter, blog and podcast is tremendous.

David U.
Account Manager

Just wanted to send a thank you reply for all the hard work you leave out for people like me to come across. I am new to this, but I’m not cynic and somewhere in me, knows that there just has to be more we do with our earnings. I found you by the “Stocks for Beginners: 10 tips for ordinary people” and let’s just say, it definitely gave me the words I needed to understand that hard work and patience can potentially pay off. Thanks again for your generosity of knowledge. I’ll make sure to buy your books.

Best of health, wealth and love.
Cameron F.

I’m 21 years old and am looking to buy stocks and build my investment portfolio. I’ve recently purchased the Value Trap Indicator book, and am reading through it now! It’s definitely an easy to understand book that simplifies the stock market into digestible terms.

Kind Regards,
Amanda L.

First of all I want to say that I’m a huge fan of your work. I am also an engineer (and a graduate student) and have an appreciation for numbers like you.

Zachary B.

The first post I read was on the seven steps or lessons for beginners. Thank you again and I know I have a lot to learn from you blog. Also, I think I read that you’re an electrical engineer, so am I and I was delighted to meet an engineer with a business acumen, many I know have no idea and interest in anything business.

Thank you again and Regards.
Catherine N.

Thank you Mr. Sather
I really appreciate your willingness to mentor me. I really want to understand more about stocks and how the market works. I have strong interest in the investment industry and am grateful to have you around.

Augustine K.

I was listening to a Money Tree podcast today and heard about your website. My father in law has been telling me and my wife for a few years to invest in stocks, but it seemed like a foreign world to us. I’ve recently been trying to google and understand how it all works. I feel like I have to know every detail about how something works before I understand it completely, but your free ebook (thank you by the way) showed me that I need to start somewhere and learn as I go. I really appreciate you offering that.


Great website. Great email newsletter. Keep up the great work.
Arpan M.

I’m a newbie investor. 32 years old. I very much appreciate the resources you’ve created! It’s a good start.

Zack G.

Hi Andrew, My name is Kazre, I am a beginning investor. I read your 7 Steps to Understanding the Stock Market. It was great and clear for me.

Just thought I’d send an email to let you know how great your eBook was. I’m in college right now but I am an engineering major so the material was very understandable and appeals to me being a ‘numbers guy’ as well. I ordered two of the books you recommended on Amazon and I’m looking forward to reading them and continuously referencing your work as I apply the skills to real use.

John H.

My name is Victor. I just recently sign up for “Wall Street Survivor”. It is a little bit overwhelming to me (a little bit information overload), so I decide to search for guide and somehow brought me to your website.

Your website is amazing. I love all your advices. You are so inspiring! I am keen to learn how to invest and particularly stock trading.


Thanks for your email and for the information that you share in your website and podcast. I just finished reading your ebooks “the 90 days to riches handbook ” and “7 steps to understanding the stock market” and I was very excited by the content and looking forward for any new material or books that you might have.

Best regards,
Elvis Z

Your articles are amazing and it resonates so well with logic and common sense. Before I came across your articles, the information I was exposed to was about buying potential stocks and gambling. My peers kept on telling me, ‘If it were that easy, why didn’t everyone get rich?’ or ‘you need to know a lot about accountancy before you start investing.’ Your articles made it very clear to me (a 19-year-old student) how investment is a surefire way for one to achieve independence. Using DRIP, analyzing the value indicators and paying attention to red flags..it makes me pumped to start my very first investment.

Zheng X.

Congratulations for your free guide, I do think it is so starter-friendly and consistent (so unusual on the internet!)

Best regards,
Lorenzo – from Italy

I would like to thank you for all of your hard work teaching all of us and sharing all of your knowledge. You have really struck a chord with me as I begin this investing journey. I have been obsessed with learning all I can. I have read your books as well as all the recommendations.

Take care,


I am on you email list and love reading your insight, tips, and tricks. I have always been the person that has been interested investing but have yet to fully pull the trigger, mainly when it comes to stocks. Currently I am taking you advice and going through the “Getting Started for Beginners” stage.

I am really just wanting to get off on the right start as I am at the start of my career and at the age of 26. Once I have this initial setup (401K/IRA/Index) with reoccurring payments I can then work to have that extra cash to value invest with stocks.

Overall, I am reaching out to see what you opinion is on starting out and what you would do yourself. 

Thanks for all the help with your many newsletters and information on your site! You da man!

Phillip B.

Hey Andrew,
I have loved your eLetter and all the help you have supplied me with. Thanks so much for everything! 
Love the podcast B….keep coming with that real deal financial Spill! Feel like I’m in my college classes again, thanks again!!
You nailed it. Nothing but doom and gloom on the radio. A year ago I would of been scared, but today, I’m thinking about all the deals that are going to be available! 
Thanks for spreading the knowledge! 
Hi Andrew, 
My name is Mathieu, I started stock investing about 2 months ago without ANY knowledge at all. I’m french and had to learn english when I move to the US and basically Stock investing was like a different language for me but a language that I wanted to learn for years. I started listening to your podcast, then from there, I read your e-book, that is absolutely amazing. This e-book made so much sense to me and help me to understand this “language”. That motivated me to keep learning and keep researching. I finally signed up to your e-letters and purchase de VTI package. I love all of this. Everything is so easy to understand and also as I said earlier everything makes perfectly sense to me now! 
I’d like to thank you for all your precious tools you offer to all the people who want to get started in stock investing. 
Mathieu L.
Just a note to say I love your emails! This one is so inspiring. Thanks Andrew. 
I am a beginner in the investment world and I just started to listen to your podcast for beginning investors. Love the podcast and would love to follow your advice and get started in investing ASAP.
I will also be signing up for your e-letter today as well!
Really appreciate what you do!!
Matthew M.



I just wanted to express my gratitude for what you and Dave are doing with your podcast. One of the things you both preach frequently is patience and resisting the fear of missing out. This recently saved me a decent amount of money.


There was a stock that I really liked because it was selling at a bargain. I mean, this stock looked Great. I invest once a month and research during the time in between. About two weeks before I would normally make a purchase I noticed the price kept going up and going up. I felt like I needed to buy in NOW or else I would lose potential gains. It took all of my will power to just hold off and wait until the month was up before buying in. I’m sure you can guess what happened next. It went back down to its original price the next week. Then it went down a little farther. By the time I bought it I actually spent less than what I would have if I bought it a month prior. This just goes to show how little things like having a little patience can help build your financial success. Thank you for time and hard work you put in. Your effort is truly helping others work towards achieving financial freedom.


Thank you,




Andrew, thanks for this piece, it’s insightful.

Best regards.
Kareem O.
Thanks for all the work you have done. I’m a beginner and keen on investing. I will like to get all knowledge on stock market and all other investment terms so i will quickly get into business. 
Thank you
Sourav B
Good evening Andrew, 
Thanks so much for your help as always and I appreciate you featuring my question in your email blast – hopefully that’ll help some more investors. 
I was confident revenue = net sales but I seemed to second guess myself probably because money is involved. 
You’ll be pleased to know today I’ve bought another great company based on thorough research from your VTI. I now own 4 great companies floated on the LSE. 
Send my best to Dave. 
Best wishes,


I for one am glad that I came across your E-letter, book, and Excel spreadsheet.  I read many things about different subscriptions

only to be disappointed.  I have only been with you for a few months, but I can already see the difference it has made in my

investment accounts.  I started taking value investing classes with Udemy, and learned some things there, but your book was

the easiest to follow and understand.  I enjoy listening to your podcast and reading your E-mails it helps in keeping yourself focused

and moving in the right direction.


Daye Ann (subscriber)

Hi Andrew,

I found your and Dave’s podcast and I have binged all 66 episodes. Thank yo os much for the response. I know you are a busy guy and I really appreciate it. And of course the pod is binge worthy! The only bad thing is now that I can’t get my daily fix. On a serious note, The pod, eLetter and the website provide a great amount of knowledge. 
Thanks, again,
Constantine H
Loving your newsletters and podcasts, I feel like I am slowly starting to get my head around this investing thing, thanks largely to what you are doing.
Hi Andrew,
I just wanted to say Thank You So Much for the podcast.  I was left feeling pretty powerless following my most recent meeting with my financial advisor who handles my retirement account so I vowed to learn more about investments and that is when I came across your podcast.  I have learned so much and started my own account (in addition to my retirement account) and am having so much fun.  I love that it is a constant and endless learning process.  I am surprised at how many of my female friends are in the same position I am and really know nothing about where their money is going.  Anyways, I just wanted to say thanks for giving me some power back over my own money!!!
First of all, thank you! I have spent the last 2 days absorbing every word you have said. I am 41 and I have always wanted to learn more about investing but it was always confusing. You have completely changed the game for me. I have ordered your book (kit) and read it all. I ordered you newsletter and I am reading the current issue and all the others.
Thank you again for all of your hard work! I am very pleased with the product and I would pay $500 again for it!!! Probably much more.
Thank you
Just listening to the Investing for Beginners podcast from the start and cannot believe how much valuable information, even basic information, that was never taught through education institutes, being communicated in such a clear and honest way, even if the American accent is a strange one (from a Kiwi)
Looking forward to receiving more detail and following you for the long term
Hi Andrew 
Love the podcast and I get very much inspired by your passion of investing  
I have been keen to become an investor for some time now,  but I knew nothing about it, thanks to your podcast I have learned more in 2 weeks listening to your 1st 50 episodes then weeks of random YouTube videos 
Also if it wasn’t for your podcast I was going to plough a lot of money into Tesla with the Robinhood app
Luckily for me I couldn’t get verified by robinhood so out of frustration i went online and found your podcast 
Hey Andrew, I was lucky enough to find your podcast after much searching for a podcast geared for beginners. I’m on episode 72 and I have learned a very great deal of information, the way you and Dave explain and give examples makes it very easy to understand and follow along. I’ve purchased all the books you guys recommended and have been trying to receive your free book and daily emails. I’m excited to keep gaining knowledge and I hope you continue to do what you do. 
Thank you much
Excellent email, Andrew.
Needed message in this volatile market.
Thank you!

Hi Andrew,
I’ve just made my first investment this last month and recently finished ‘The Intelligent Investor’ and ‘One Up On Wall Street’. I still listen to and watch all your content and I just wanted to say thank you for all the value you have provided to me and to many other investors who tune in.
You and Dave have helped demistify the stock market and you’ve always been kind enough to reply to my questions with thorough and thoughtful answers.
Keep on doing what you’re doing!
All the best and thanks again,
Dylan M.
Great info as usual. Thanks Andrew, keep up the good work! Looking forward to the next IFB podcast. 

Hello Andrew,


I firstly would like to thank you for what you’re doing with the site, podcast and other resources you offer. I’m brand new to the investment world and came upon your podcast and site while doing research. The concepts you explain about value investing and dollar cost averaging make a lot of sense to me and I’ve been approaching my research with these values in mind. I have also purchased the Value Trap Indicator from you to help me along with my stock picks. I’ve found the book super informative and have started to pick a few stocks that are being run through the spreadsheet I’ve created based on the Value Trap Indicator formula. So far, it’s made total sense and I find it really helps to sift through all the different metrics that are shown for a company’s value, earnings, EPS, etc.

Alan S.

p.s. I’ve been listening to your podcasts starting from episode 1 and love the advice that you and David give. You guys are now a part of my commute these days

Hey Andrew,
I’m an investor from New Zealand and have found your investment advice for beginners super helpful.
I’ve read a few investing books like the intelligent investor and quantitative value investing but your guidance has lead to actionable steps and something that is very digestible since the information beginners need is all in one place, unlike the heavy investing books which have good content and theory but aren’t made to give a step by step guide.
Thanks for the help and content you provide it’s been a good source of learning, keep up the awesome mahi (work).
Love the podcast and information you provide. 
Have a great day. 
Hi Andrew,
I am getting started learning about investing and your podcast has been great so far. I started from your first episodes (2017) and got the basics in terminology and strategy down. 
Like you, I am a relatively young investor (26) and also an engineer by trade. Your analytical approach has struck home with me and I recently purchased the VTI Ebook. Looking forward to reading through that and learning all I can. Thanks for the help and the knowledge!
Tim G.
I’m up 32% since starting investing in November 2018. You’re podcast was my first introduction to investing. After getting hit with some analysis paralysis and listening to you and Dave speak about how the most important thing is time in the market, not timing, and the power of dollar cost averaging I have seen some significant returns already. 
Hi Andrew, 

I just wanted to send you a huge thank you for taking time to share your knowledge! 
I found you and your wonderful web page via stitcher the money tree investing podcast. That is an amazing tool in which I’ve been learning a ton of information! 
I’m so impressed by what you and your friends/peers have done and are doing here for others who are in need of help. 
There are so many scams in the world and tons of them relating to the Market. I truly appreciate you and the work you are doing to help others.
God Bless you and yours!! 
Hi Andrew,
I listen to your podcast daily on my commute to or from work, huge thank you to you and Dave for breaking down investing for the newbies!  You guys opened my eyes to investing and drop so much knowledge, I feel as if my car is now a University on Wheels! 
I just wanted to say thanks so much to you and Dave for taking the time to answer my questions in episode 112! It was very helpful advice! I have currently caught up on 54 episodes and have learned a ton from you guys, and wanted to let you know how much you and Dave are appreciated for doing your podcast. Keep up the good work!
Love the content on the newsletter and podcast. I teach in an NYC high school and will try to convince my 12th graders to set up a Roth IRA and listen to your podcast. I will get a pension anyway so what you have taught me will be an added bonus I never knew was possible. I’m 39 and I’m looking to following your margin of safety method for the next 20 years with this ally account and I can’t thank you enough. I’m working on incorporating excerpts of Richest Man in Babylon into the US History curriculum from colonialism to the 2016 election. Thanks again!!!!!! You’ve made teaching fun again!!!!!! 

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