“I Need a Baby Budget? I Don’t Even Know the Cost of Diapers!”

Updated 1/17/2024 If you’re expecting a new addition to your family or maybe you’re starting to try for one, I have a name recommendation for you… ’Expensive.’ I’m kidding, but man, children are NOT CHEAP!  Don’t worry, I’m here to tell you about my trials and tribulations and most importantly, the cost of diapers! I’m […]

Cash Return On Invested Capital: “Insider” Formula for Earnings

Updated 5/1/2024 Cash is king, and finding companies that are superior reinvestors of that cash is one of the trifectas of investing success. One of the easiest ways to find these companies is a formula called Cash Return on Invested Capital. The CROIC formula is a bit of an inside-baseball formula. Wall Street doesn’t talk […]

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