What is a Breakeven Analysis?

A Breakeven Analysis is one of the most common ways to assess a business decision. In its most simplistic form, a breakeven analysis looks at how many units of a product or service must be sold in order for total revenues to equal the cost of production. A breakeven analysis is commonly used in financial […]

Net Asset Value Model: A Valuable Tool for Finding the Intrinsic Value of a REIT

Real estate investment trusts, or REITs own, manage, and finance income-producing properties. By law, these businesses must distribute at least 90% of their profits to shareholders as dividends. Valuing REITs is a difficult proposition because of the structure of the business and the fact that shareholders receive the majority of the free cash in the […]

Chris Hutchins of All the Hacks Discusses HSAs, ETF Investing, and More

Welcome to the Investing for Beginners podcast. In today’s show, we discuss: *Some of the great hacks out there for points, becoming indistractible, and more with Chris Hutchins of All the Hacks *The pros and cons of using an HSA *The ins and outs of ETF investing and how he looks at setting up his […]

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