How to Value a Stock With a Reverse DCF (with Examples)

Finding the value of a company matters a great deal; some would argue that it remains the single most important item on anyone’s checklist. Figuring out how much the company is worth or its intrinsic value will help you determine your price and what kind of long-term return you might achieve. Using a discounted cash flow […]

What We Can Learn From Warren Buffett’s Four Pillars of Investing

Warren Buffett has covered every aspect of investing over the years. Whether in one of his letters to shareholders, an interview, or an essay, a laundry list of investment tips drawn from the content can help get anyone started from covering how to consider risk against reward, or how to consider portfolio concentration, for example. […]

Brian Feroldi Discusses the Importance of Quality and Valuation

Welcome to the Investing for Beginners podcast. In today’s show, we chat with Brian Feroldi about finding quality companies and the importance of valuation: *What he sees in the markets today *How to profit from investments in a way that you can use today. *The quality filters he uses to find great investments *The Importance […]

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