Useful Tricks to Form Good Money Habits into Natural Decisions

One thing is for certain, there are good money habits and there are bad. It seems like everyone has at least one bad habit (me included), but the key to a financially stable life is having more good money habits than bad ones. Good money habits are just like anything else in life. The more […]

Helpful Tips and Habits for When You Are Broke

Every single person has a different philosophy when it comes to saving or spending money.  Some people are penny pinchers and can save a ton of money quickly, while others spend it as soon as they get their hands-on money, no matter how much or how little they make. Saving habits are one topic, but […]

Don’t Think You Can’t Save Money Quickly With a Low Income?

Updated 1/15/2024 Have you been told that you can’t save money quickly with a low income?  Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck?  Are you stressed that you will never find a job where you feel you’ll make enough money? I have some good news for you if you answered yes to any (or […]

The Keys to a Well-Diversified Portfolio

So, let’s say you have taken the first big step in your investing career, you have either started up your first trading account, or invested in your first rental property, or maybe you have even gotten into cryptocurrency.  That is fantastic, the hardest part of starting is getting everything set up and getting money into […]

Always Broke and Need More Money? Try These Simple Solutions

I don’t know about you, but one of the worst feelings in the world is thinking “I’m broke and need money”.  For some of us this may be an everyday feeling you have, trust me, I have been there, and most people at one point in their life have been there as well. The big […]

What is High IV in Options and How Does it Affect Returns?

As you have learned from previous posts, trading options is buying the ability to buy or sell a stock at a certain strike price.  A call option means you are bullish on the stock and a put option means you are bearish on the stock.  Stocks can naturally move up and down on their own […]

Taking Worst Case Scenarios of Selling Covered Calls – It’s Not That Bad!

While I am new to the options game myself, I have learned quickly that options are like stocks, but on steroids.  In this article I’m going to cover a simple options strategy, selling covered call options.  Before diving too deep, please make sure to read our Trading Options for Beginners Guide to familiarize yourself with […]

Tips for the First Time Investor: Understanding “When” and “How”

Many of my family and friends know the stock market fascinates me, and more often than not a conversation with me will lead to finances of some sort.  I can’t count the number of times I’ve been pegged with the question, “What should I do as a first time investor?  When is the right time […]

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