Discussion on Shorting the Market

Once you’ve begun to understand the basics of the stock market, it starts to become clear to you when the market is generally overvalued or undervalued. This is a great sign in your development as a savvy investor. Then you start to think you can start shorting the market or overvalued stocks and make a […]

How Impact Investing Can Reach the Mainstream

Impact investing was introduced to the financial services industry almost a decade ago. The practice is used to generate environmental and social benefits alongside financial returns. It has become a great practice that has amassed more than $77 billion in assets with investment managers like Credit Suisse, JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs and so many more. These prominent […]

Hedge Your Portfolio Like a Billionaire

Did you know that you can hedge your portfolio just like a billionaire? In this post I’ll lay out a simple strategy used by large banks, Fortune 500 companies, hedge fund managers, and billionaire investors across the globe. This is a strategy, that with a little creativity, you can employ in your portfolio as well! […]

Using Motif Investing to Build a Great Dividend Portfolio

Motif Investing isn’t just a great tool for saving money investing but it can also help you find the best stocks for your needs. This is a guest post from Joseph Hogue, CFA. He runs six websites on topics including personal finance, investing, crowdfunding and making money from home. A veteran of the Marine Corps, […]

One-Minute Lesson: What is Dollar Cost Averaging? [300 words]

Updated – 12/6/23 What is dollar cost averaging? Also called the constant dollar plan, it is the technique of investing a fixed amount of money consistently. When you use dollar cost averaging (or “DCA”) to buy stock, you will automatically buy more shares when prices are lower and buy fewer shares when they are higher. A […]

Warren Buffett Investing Quotes on Simplicity, Price, Value, and Wisdom

Sometimes, some guys just say it better than me. Here’s some great investing quotes from one of the world’s best investor himself, Warren Buffett. “Rule No. 1: never lose money; rule No. 2: don’t forget rule No. 1” “Investors should remember that excitement and expenses are their enemies. And if they insist on trying to […]

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