What to Do With a Money Windfall (with 2 Real-life Budgeting Examples)

Imagine this situation – you’ve just had a lot of money come into your life unexpectedly – maybe it was an inheritance, or a big bonus from work, or maybe you won the lottery!  You feel like you’re invincible – completely on top of the world and rich.  But the question is now, what to […]

Will a Finance Degree, Major, or Certification (CFA, MBA) make me rich?

The public perceptions about people with a finance degree and the realities of finance careers can sometimes be vastly different. Even students studying for a finance major might not realize what going into finance really entails. Then once you have the degree, you might wonder if a professional certification like the CFA or an MBA […]

Investing, Finance, and Money Memes that are Actually Funny or Useful

These finance, stock market, investing, and money memes that you see here have been posted on the Investing for Beginners Facebook Page that I run. I recommend liking/ following that page to get more memes into your feed. 7 Steps to Wealth: What a side hustle looked like in 1989: We all have no money: […]

What’s a Reasonable Goal for an Average Retirement?

Many of us wonder how we are doing when it comes to retirement savings. It can make us money hungry, not because we are greedy but because we just want a comfortable, average retirement. Well, is an average retirement possible for the average person? We need to understand that this is a numbers problem, and […]

The Average American is Drowning in Debt – Here’s Your Life Preserver

This is a guest post from Joseph Hogue. As a financial advisor, I’ve seen the frustration Andrew talks about when he hears people just don’t have money to invest. It doesn’t help that wages have barely budged over the last decade. The cost of healthcare and education are rising faster than paychecks and many families […]

Comparing Online Investment Planning Services

Robo-advisors can make investment planning quite intriguing. By using algorithmic calculations to determine the optimum asset allocation for your portfolio, robo-advisors offer you computerized investment advice. Sound complicated? Well, it isn’t, at least not for a robo-advisor, who can help you set your investment goals and can provide you with the best investment advice to […]

Beginner’s Guide: Becoming Financially Independent & Retiring Early

The following is a guest post from Amber Tree Leaves. He started investing 15 years ago and works in the financial industry now. He is passionate about financial independence and tracks his progress on his blog.  When talking about investing, there is a lot of focus on how to invest: What strategy do I pick, […]

10 Ideas for When You Don’t Have Enough Money to Invest

Since I run a site geared towards beginners, I hear a lot of the same questions. One of the most common frustrations I get from readers is that they don’t have enough money to invest. Whether you’d like to believe it or not, this is a powerful obstacle in the way of many of us […]

Taxable Brokerage Account: Full Implications

“Hey Andrew, I read your recent article on why people should consider Roth IRAs for investments. Regarding taxes, when would an independent brokerage account (taxable brokerage account) be taxed?” The tax implications on taxable brokerage accounts aren’t very clear. I’ll explain it to you, but let me preface by insisting that I am not a […]

5 Tips of Investment Advice for Teenagers

Got a request for investment advice from a high school senior who reads my blog. Here’s what he asked. “I know I’m very new to this, and your 7 steps for beginners gives me the confidence to take the initiative to invest. What kind of advice would you have for a high school senior? It’s […]

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