No-Nonsense Financial Planning for Beginners (Pt2: Income)

Ask anyone who’s gone from making a small income to making a lot—saving and investing becomes SO much easier when you have a higher income. One of the problems with financial planning for beginners is that many start picking the low hanging fruit, cutting large expenses, but then stop there. The hard reality is, until […]

Why It’s Important to Continue Investing in You

Sometimes the first person everyone forgets is themself. Make sure that doesn’t become you and you continue to invest in yourself. In the events of everyday life, sometimes the easiest person to forget is you. We often find ourselves so wrapped up in taking care of other people or other things, that we often put […]

No-Nonsense Financial Planning Guide for the DIY Individual (Pt1: Expenses)

Success in financial planning comes down to a few key principles. Define your goals, curb your desires, and have patience and discipline. Make the right decisions and habits.  Have the right plan. When it comes to managing your personal finances, it’s not a game to win overnight—it’s more like a path to follow, one you […]

Struggling to Save? Start with These 4 Simple Auto-Investments

Updated 4/1/2024 One of the most challenging steps to becoming financially independent is getting that little snowball moving downhill by creating a gap between your income and spending. Once you’ve done that, it’s time to go on to the fun part – investing! And by far, the best way to keep up the momentum with […]

4 Money-Saving Hacks to Ring in the New Year!

As we roll into the New Year, it is time to get started with some great money-saving hacks to help you retire rich. While smart investing is part of the journey to early retirement, saving money daily will light a fire beneath the power of compounding within your investment portfolio. Put together, these savings tips […]

The 3 Timeless Principles of Wealth Creation to Live By

When it comes to building wealth, there’s an endless supply of advice and ideas to get there. If we really boil it down to the best wisdom, that which actually works, we can see recurring themes which have been passed down from many wealthy people through the millennia. To sum it up, I’ve identified three […]

Is it Time to Retire? Find Out with This Saving Money Chart!

Updated 6/4/2024 Have you ever used a saving money chart? Personally, I love them because I can sit there and look at people of different ages and compare myself to them, but there’s one major issue—they’re all awful! Key Takeaways So, what types of things are we actually going to learn today? The Fallacies of […]

The Key to Using the Rule of 25 to Plan Your Retirement Properly

As a young teenager, all you can think about is moving out of your parent’s house. Then as you hit your early twenties, it turns to finding a spouse and maybe starting a family. Then by the time you hit 30, your focus turns on your career and how you can make as much money […]

What Are the Rules on your Income to Rent Ratio in Today’s World?

I remember being 16-years old and thinking that moving out from my parents’ house was going to be the best day of my life.  While the freedom was great, what I didn’t know at the time was how expensive it would be.  For almost any person nowadays, rent (or mortgage) is the biggest expense per […]

Useful Tricks to Form Good Money Habits into Natural Decisions

One thing is for certain, there are good money habits and there are bad. It seems like everyone has at least one bad habit (me included), but the key to a financially stable life is having more good money habits than bad ones. Good money habits are just like anything else in life. The more […]

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