Brian Feroldi Joins Us to Give Us 8 Reasons the P/E Ratio Sucks

Welcome to the Investing for Beginners podcast! In today’s episode, we will have Brian Feroldi joining us in a first time ever live show here in Cincinnati’s economy fire conference. He will discuss the price to earnings ratio which is the most common and known metric in the investing world. Listen on as he talks […]

IFB271: Andy Shuler Joins Us to Discuss HSA’s and ETF Investing

Welcome to the Investing for Beginners podcast! In today’s episode, we will be having Andy Schuler, our resident writer and partner in blog talk with us about HSAs and other fun stuff especially on picking great ETFs and how to manage an inevitable change in investing philosophy as you go with life. Listen on! […]

Masterclass Roundtable with Braden & Simon from The Canadian Investor Podcast

Welcome to the Investing for Beginners podcast! Today’s episode, we will be joined by the hosts and good friends from the Canadian Investor podcast, Braden Dennis and Simon Belanger to talk with us in a kind of a masterclass session in each of their favorite companies. Listen on and get a crash course in knowing […]

IFB270: Difference Between Knowing the Name & Knowing the Thing

Welcome to the Investing for Beginners podcast! In this episode, we will talk about a great learning technique pioneered by physicist Richard Feynman and how to apply it into investing itself. This is such an amazing tool as it forces you to go understand what you’re learning in its first principles so listen on! Timestamps […]

IFB269: VTI (Value Trap Indicator) and Beyond

Welcome to the Investing for Beginners podcast! In today’s episode we will discuss a great listener question extensively as it encompasses a lot of key ideas such as mental states, diversification, valuations, and more! So listen on! Timestamps of the episode: -The stock market is less like chess and more of a game of poker. […]

IFB268: Beyond Books: The Best Reading Resources for Investors

Welcome to the Investing for Beginners podcast! This episode will be a chock full of important names and resources on investing so be prepared! We will go through briefly on a lot of familiar investors (and obscure ones also) and their speeches and shareholder letters and tell you why they’re worth your dime to read […]

IFB267: How to Measure Liqudity in Investments

Welcome to the Investing for Beginners podcast! Today’s episode is a product borne from a large project we’re doing the past days which involves metrics and numbers. The topic is about how investors, beginners especially of course, can avoid putting their money in risky investments. So listen on as we talk about the different metrics […]

IFB266: Where Does the Money Go After Investing + Buying Companies Going Up

Welcome to the Investing for Beginners podcast! In today’s episode, we have another round of great listener questions! As usual, we love receiving these types of questions as it refreshes our knowledge in the basics. We will talk about what happens to the money every time you buy a stock, average cost basis, dividend re-pricings […]

IFB265: You Don’t Need a Background In Finance to Invest

Welcome to the Investing for Beginners podcast! Today’s episode will be up close and personal! Dave here will be sharing his investing journey to show that you don’t need a degree in finance in order to invest in the stock market. He shares his ways in learning investing by himself and how he managed through […]

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