IFB343:Investing in Nvidia and Tech’s Value Chain – Risks and Opportunities

Hello and welcome to The Investing For Beginners Podcast, episode 343. I’m Andrew, with my co-host, Dave, and today we delve into the prudent world of investing with a margin of safety. In this episode, we’ll unveil the robust characteristics of stable companies that offer consistent dividends, exploring their often overlooked but critical role in […]

Back to Basics: Understanding Mr. Market’s Behavior for Successful Investing

Welcome back to another episode of The Investing For Beginners Podcast, where we dive deep into the essentials of investing to help you become a savvier market participant. Today, we’re continuing our “Back to the Basics” series with a fascinating discussion about the concept of Mister Market, a term coined by Benjamin Graham, the mentor […]

Back to Basics: The Power of Dollar Cost Averaging

Welcome to the latest episode of the Investing for Beginners podcast! In this episode, Dave and Andrew dive deep into the concept of dollar cost averaging (DCA) and timing the stock market. They discuss the benefits of DCA, its role in establishing good investing habits, and the challenges of timing the market. They explore how […]

IFB341: Navigating Stock Market Volatility – A Guide for Beginners

Welcome to another episode of The Investing For Beginners Podcast! I’m your host, Dave, joined by my co-host, Andrew. Today, in Episode 341, we dive into the chaotic world of the stock market and demystify how it often diverges from actual business performance. We bring back the story of Mr. Market, our quintessential persona that […]

Back to Basics: Concentration vs Diversification – Crafting Your Investment Strategy

Andrew: Hello, everyone, and welcome to The Investing For Beginners Podcast. I’m your co-host Andrew, joined by Dave. Dave: Hi there, investors! Today’s episode, Portfolio.wav, is jam-packed with investing essential—diversification. Andrew: We’re discussing the delicate art of portfolio balance, starting with just a couple of solid picks, and the dangers of putting all your eggs […]

IFB340: The Pricing Power Debate and Investment Strategies for Beginners

Welcome back to The Investing For Beginners Podcast, I’m your host Dave, joined by Andrew, and you’re listening to episode 340. Today, we’re diving into the critical concept of pricing power and its role in defining a company’s moat, especially in heavyweight players like Nvidia and Tesla. As we wade into the debate on whether […]

IFB339: Applying Base Rates to Stock Picks: Insights from Michael Mauboussin’s Expertise

Andrew: Welcome to episode 339 of The Investing For Beginners Podcast. I’m Andrew.Dave: And I’m Dave. Today we are examining the crucial interplay between market expectations and the evolution of companies, underscored by recent executive changes at Disney.Andrew: Our focus extends to the practical applicability of base rates in valuation—a method for investors to ground […]

Back to the Basics: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

Dave: Hello, everyone, and welcome to The Investing for Beginners Podcast. I’m Dave. Andrew: And I’m Andrew. Today’s episode is “Shoulders of Giants.wav,” where we explore the invaluable lessons from the world’s most renowned investors. Dave: We’ll cover why brands like Google and Amazon act as “moats,” protecting businesses just like Charlie Munger and Warren […]

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