IFB48: When a Falling Stock Indicates a Failing Business

  Welcome to Investing for Beginners podcast this is episode 48. Andrew and I are going to talk about distressed businesses or negative earnings, negative shareholder equity we’ve never really delved into that aspect of investing and kind of what to look for in companies that having falling stock prices. We’re going to talk a […]

IFB47: Back to the Basics Pt 5: Dividend Stocks and Value Investing

This is part 5 of the 5 episode “Back to the Basics” series from The Investing for Beginners Podcast. Each episode covers the fundamentals of the stock market and investing to provide a solid foundation for those who are looking to compound their wealth over time. Here are the links to each of the episodes: Back […]

IFB46: Back to the Basics Pt 4: Investing 101 and Compound Interest

This is part 4 of the 5 episode “Back to the Basics” series from The Investing for Beginners Podcast. Each episode covers the fundamentals of the stock market and investing to provide a solid foundation for those who are looking to compound their wealth over time. Here are the links to each of the episodes: Back […]

IFB45: Back to the Basics Pt 3: Stocks vs Other Investments

This is part 3 of the 5 episode “Back to the Basics” series from The Investing for Beginners Podcast. Each episode covers the fundamentals of the stock market and investing to provide a solid foundation for those who are looking to compound their wealth over time. Here are the links to each of the episodes: Back […]

IFB44: Back to the Basics Pt 2: Share Dilution on Wall Street

This is part 2 of the 5 episode “Back to the Basics” series from The Investing for Beginners Podcast. Each episode covers the fundamentals of the stock market and investing to provide a solid foundation for those who are looking to compound their wealth over time. Here are the links to each of the episodes: Back […]

IFB43: Back to the Basics Pt 1: The Anatomy of Stocks and Shares

This is part 1 of the 5 episode “Back to the Basics” series from The Investing for Beginners Podcast. Each episode covers the fundamentals of the stock market and investing to provide a solid foundation for those who are looking to compound their wealth over time. Here are the links to each of the episodes: […]

IFB42: Non U.S. Listeners: Is an International Stock Exchange Your Best Bet?

  Welcome to Investing For Beginners podcast, this is episode 42. Andrew and I are going to do something fun tonight; we’re going to answer some reader questions. Correction about how to treat capital gains when selling a stock. What options are there to check the financials of a company before year’s end. Different strategies […]

IFB41: What I’ve Learned from My Biggest Stock Losers Up to This Point

  Welcome to Investing for Beginners podcast, I’m Dave Ahern, and Andrew Sather is here with us as well. Welcome to episode 41, tonight we’re going to talk to Brad Conway who’s coming all the way from merry old England. Brad is a newer investor, and he’s got some great questions for us tonight. So […]

IFB40: Top 7 Money Tips from The Richest Man in Babylon Audio Book

Welcome to Investing for Beginners podcast, this is episode 40 in which Andrew and I are going to talk about “The Richest Man in Babylon” a book that was written by George S. Clasen.  This was written back at, but we even know the 30s is that correct? Learn to save money Put your money […]

IFB39: Simple Tax Shelter: Tax Saving Instruments for Your Investments

Welcome to Investing for Beginners podcast, this is episode 39. Andrew and I are going to respond to an email that Andrew got asking us some questions. So today we’re going to talk a little bit about some of his questions, go in-depth and answer those for him. So without any further ado, I’m going […]

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