IFB03: Doesn’t a Stop Loss Contradict Buy and Hold?

      When you are looking for advice on how to buy stocks, you will find thousands of articles on the internet. All of them touting the various ways to buy stocks to make money. But what about selling a stock? Crickets. There is not much out there to tell you when to sell. […]

Discussion on Shorting the Market

Once you’ve begun to understand the basics of the stock market, it starts to become clear to you when the market is generally overvalued or undervalued. This is a great sign in your development as a savvy investor. Then you start to think you can start shorting the market or overvalued stocks and make a […]

Hedge Your Portfolio Like a Billionaire

Did you know that you can hedge your portfolio just like a billionaire? In this post I’ll lay out a simple strategy used by large banks, Fortune 500 companies, hedge fund managers, and billionaire investors across the globe. This is a strategy, that with a little creativity, you can employ in your portfolio as well! […]

Beginner’s Guide: Becoming Financially Independent & Retiring Early

The following is a guest post from Amber Tree Leaves. He started investing 15 years ago and works in the financial industry now. He is passionate about financial independence and tracks his progress on his blog.  When talking about investing, there is a lot of focus on how to invest: What strategy do I pick, […]

25 Money Investing Tips for Beginners

Anyone can become a good investor. You just need a little work, a little patience, and the desire to improve. Here are 25 investing tips specific to beginners, to help you on your way. Updated: 10/17/2022 1. First and foremost… diversify As a beginner, this first tip is the most important one you need to […]

Penny Stock Investing: 5 Rules

It’s time to finally write about the infamous topic of penny stock investing. Chances are, you’ve heard or seen them peddled before. Scammers and fraudsters seem to be attracted to the topic like white on rice. Penny stocks have a somewhat bad rep. But here’s what I think. Penny stock investing draws a wide lure […]

How to Calculate a Stock’s Upside Potential

Got the following question from a reader: “I was wondering, how does one go about calculating upside potential?” The answer to this question is really a two-part one. Firstly, you should realize that there is no real way to calculate upside. That is the beauty of investing, and wealth. Wealth is not a zero sum […]

5 Tips of Investment Advice for Teenagers

Got a request for investment advice from a high school senior who reads my blog. Here’s what he asked. “I know I’m very new to this, and your 7 steps for beginners gives me the confidence to take the initiative to invest. What kind of advice would you have for a high school senior? It’s […]

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