The Average American is Drowning in Debt – Here’s Your Life Preserver

This is a guest post from Joseph Hogue. As a financial advisor, I’ve seen the frustration Andrew talks about when he hears people just don’t have money to invest. It doesn’t help that wages have barely budged over the last decade. The cost of healthcare and education are rising faster than paychecks and many families […]

IFB55: The Worst Money Advice that Beginners Always Hear

Welcome to episode 55 of the Investing for Beginners podcast.  Tonight Andrew and I are going to discuss some of the worst money advice you can get. Invest 10% of your income Investing in a quick fad to make money quickly Try to get to cute and taking on more complexity just for the sake […]

IFB50: Discussing the Popular FANG Stocks Interview with Braden Dennis

  Welcome to Investing for Beginners podcast, Andrew and I are going to do a little blast from the past today. We’re going to talk to our second guest actually when we started the podcast. We’re going to have Braden from Stratosphere Investing talk to us tonight, this is going to be a lot of […]

IFB48: When a Falling Stock Indicates a Failing Business

  Welcome to Investing for Beginners podcast this is episode 48. Andrew and I are going to talk about distressed businesses or negative earnings, negative shareholder equity we’ve never really delved into that aspect of investing and kind of what to look for in companies that having falling stock prices. We’re going to talk a […]

IFB42: Non U.S. Listeners: Is an International Stock Exchange Your Best Bet?

  Welcome to Investing For Beginners podcast, this is episode 42. Andrew and I are going to do something fun tonight; we’re going to answer some reader questions. Correction about how to treat capital gains when selling a stock. What options are there to check the financials of a company before year’s end. Different strategies […]

IFB40: Top 7 Money Tips from The Richest Man in Babylon Audio Book

Welcome to Investing for Beginners podcast, this is episode 40 in which Andrew and I are going to talk about “The Richest Man in Babylon” a book that was written by George S. Clasen.  This was written back at, but we even know the 30s is that correct? Learn to save money Put your money […]

IFB26: Combining Earnings Yield and the Return on Capital Formula

Welcome to episode 26 of the Investing for Beginners podcast. In today’s show, we will discuss the return on capital formula by Joel Greenblatt. The Magic Formula is a great formula that helps identify companies with a low P/E ratio and a great return on capital. This show will continue some discussion of numbers and […]

IFB25: Tulip Mania, Intrinsic Value, and the Student Loan Bubble

  Welcome to session 25 of the Investing for Beginners podcast. In today’s show, we will discuss bubbles and how they pertain to student loans and whether or not we have a bubble in the student loan arena. Whether or not we are in a student loan bubble Different types of bubbles in the past […]

IFB16: The Market Has Seen the Snapchat Stock Story Before

Welcome to session 16 of the Investing for Beginners podcast. In today’s session, we are going to discuss IPOs and why you shouldn’t invest in them. We are going to use the recent Snapchat stock  IPO as well as their latest earnings reports to help us understand why Snapchat stock is not a good investment […]

IFB05: Going 100% Stocks Even as a Conservative Investor

  Finding the right mix of stocks and bonds is a common question among beginners. As a conservative investor, it is a must that I find a good mix to mitigate risk.  Most conservative investors go with a mix of 75% stocks and 25% bonds to help lessen any risk of loss. But as a […]

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