Explaining the Trailing Stop Limit and a Better Alternative

Updated 9/25/2023 A trailing stop limit is an order you place with your broker. It places a limit on your loss so that you don’t sell too low. But, the “limit” refers also to the type of order placed with the broker. It is different from just a trailing stop. We will discuss what a […]

The Keys to a Well-Diversified Portfolio

So, let’s say you have taken the first big step in your investing career, you have either started up your first trading account, or invested in your first rental property, or maybe you have even gotten into cryptocurrency.  That is fantastic, the hardest part of starting is getting everything set up and getting money into […]

How to Choose the Right ETF

Updated 10/27/2023 With more than 2,000 ETFs or exchange-traded funds available in the U.S. alone, choosing the right ETF might seem like picking out the best coffee at the grocery store. How do you know which one is the right one for you? ETFs have come a long way since being introduced in 1993, and […]

8 Major Stock Market Factor ETFs and Their Differences

Updated – 11/3/23 A factor in the stock market is a set of characteristics, or style, of a group of stocks. Factor ETFs allow investors exposure to different stock market styles. At any time, some stock market factors will outperform, while others underperform. Buying factor ETFs can be a great tool in managing a portfolio. […]

6 (Hidden Gem) Investment Quotes by Peter Lynch During His Retirement

Peter Lynch has one of the best track records on Wall Street of all-time. You may have heard quotes from his best selling books, but you probably haven’t heard some of these more obscure investment quotes by Peter Lynch in his monthly columns. Today we’ll look at some of his best gems in the 1993-1999 […]

5 Simple Takeaways from Charlie Munger’s Famous Psychology Speech

The great investor Charlie Munger is known for his mastery of “the art of worldly wisdom,” which combined with his “latticework of mental models” has helped craft his overwhelming success. Part of that includes his lessons on behavioral psychology, as he shared in a famous speech to Harvard University students. This speech by Charlie Munger […]

Margin of Safety: Secrets from the MOST Profitable Investors of All-Time

Updated 6/7/2023 “Most of the top-ranked business schools worldwide do not understand the margin of safety. For them, low risk and low returns go together, as do high risk and high returns. Over a lifetime, we all encounter scores of low-risk, high-return bets. They exist in all facets of life. Business schools should be educating their […]

5 Golden (Mindset) Tips to Success for the Lifelong Investor

When it gets down to it, we are all lifelong investors. As long as you have a 401k, you are a lifelong investor. As long as you are drawing from savings, you are a lifelong investor. Once we come to grips with this idea, we can set ourselves up for better success. Table of Contents: […]

Does Tesla Pay Dividends?

Updated – 10/16/23 One question that I think is imperative that any investor knows the answer to is whether or not the company that they’re looking to invest in is going to pay them a dividend. This might seem like a basic question to some people, but I personally know some investors who don’t know […]

Using Standard Deviations, Portfolio Correlations, and the Sharpe Ratio

I am a big believer in the importance of implementing statistics while investing. In particular, I find standard deviations, portfolio correlations, and the Sharpe ratio to be essential in managing risk. Too often, I hear of investors getting burned because they don’t perform their proper due diligence. It isn’t enough to pick the highest-performing stocks […]

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