4 of the Best Value Investing Books Recommended by Top Investors

Updated 6/30/2023 So, you’ve reached the point in your investing career where you’re looking for the best value investing books out there for you to continue on your journey of expanding knowledge…congrats!  But come on – hasn’t anyone told you that books are old fashioned and boring?  I mean, they’re out of style just as […]

Exploring the Value Chain for the Pharma Industry

Investing in any sector/industry can offer many different challenges. You can often come across a company you like but find another in the value chain you like better. The pharma industry is not different. For example, we can work backwards in the value chain from a company like Novo Nordisk and find other potential investment […]

Breakdown of Warren Buffett’s Valuation of Coca Cola in 1988

“I never buy anything unless I can fill out on a piece of paper my reasons. I may be wrong, but I would know the answer to that …I’m paying $32 billion today for the Coca-Cola Company because… If you can’t answer that question, you shouldn’t buy it. If you can answer that question, and […]

Why Diversification is Important in Investing (Timeless Principle)

Diversification is important in investing because you don’t want a single mistake to destroy your portfolio. Even the best investors (and businesses) make mistakes, it’s human nature. Diversification spreads out your risk, lowering it. In this post, we will cover all you need to know about diversification: I’m sure you’ve heard the cliché that you […]

Jean-Marie Eveillard’s Investment Strategy and Roller Coaster Performance

Jean-Marie Eveillard was Morningstar’s International Stock Fund Manager of the Year in 2001. He grew Assets Under Management (AUM) to $100 billion with his flagship First Eagle Global Fund. His track record as a money manager has been incredible. But it hasn’t always been easy for Eveillard. In fact, after beating the market for 18 […]

Graham and Doddsville: A Group of the Greatest Investors of All Time

Updated 6/24/2023 “While they differ greatly in style, these investors are, mentally, always buying the business, not the stock. A few of them sometimes buy whole businesses; far more often, they buy small pieces of the business.”   Warren Buffett, Superinvestors of Graham and Doddsville In May 1984, Buffett laid out everything you need to know […]

Understanding Nonrecourse Debt And Its Benefits: Case Studies in Action

The real estate investing world utilizes debt to help finance growth. Nonrecourse debt is one of the types of debt popular in the commercial real estate space.  Many use it to help stimulate their growth while also protecting their downside. Nonrecourse debt protects borrowers by limiting the liability to its collateral.   One shining example […]

8 Takeaways from All of Howard Marks’s Letters from 2022

This month, I took the time to read all 8 of Howard Marks’s letters to investors (memos) and summarize them for the average investor. Hopefully you find these lessons to be instructive, and that they make you a better investor. I also highly recommend reading these memos yourself—we’ve included the links at the end of […]

Irrational Exuberance: A Book Review

Updated 6/24/2023 Irrational exuberance refers to extreme behavior enthusiasm, often compared to the stock market and investor behavior. Typically, it means investors are excited and driving up stock prices regardless of the fundamentals supporting those increases. Irrational exuberance is the perfect analogy to illustrate the market reaction to the current Covid-19 pandemic, with many companies’ […]

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