How the College Investor Has a HUGE Compounding Advantage!!

When it comes to money, sometimes young adults don’t realize just how lucky they have it. By becoming a college investor rather than a “young professional” investor, a huge (life-changing) amount of money can be made. Just because of the great compounding effects of a few years added by starting early. Contributor Andy Shuler wants […]

Cost of Debt Calculator for Stocks and Personal Finances (Excel)

The Cost of Debt that a company has is essentially how efficient a company is at paying off their debt. Having a cost of debt calculator such as the one presented in this post can be a valuable tool towards learning which stocks have better debt situations than others, and can have stronger long term financial […]

Comparing Online Investment Planning Services

Robo-advisors can make investment planning quite intriguing. By using algorithmic calculations to determine the optimum asset allocation for your portfolio, robo-advisors offer you computerized investment advice. Sound complicated? Well, it isn’t, at least not for a robo-advisor, who can help you set your investment goals and can provide you with the best investment advice to […]

Taxable Brokerage Account: Full Implications

“Hey Andrew, I read your recent article on why people should consider Roth IRAs for investments. Regarding taxes, when would an independent brokerage account (taxable brokerage account) be taxed?” The tax implications on taxable brokerage accounts aren’t very clear. I’ll explain it to you, but let me preface by insisting that I am not a […]

The Rule of 72 Formula to Wealth

So you want to get rich? There’s few ways that the average person can become rich. One way is to win the lotto. Another, more practical and realistic way, is to learn the rule of 72 formula and how it can bring you wealth. Don’t take my word for it. Albert Einstein, one of the […]

IRA vs 401k, Roth vs Traditional – Retirement Accounts Made Simple

You decided to open a 401k. Finally! A smart decision today. But now they want to stump you with some investing jargon. Do you want traditional? Or a Roth? With fries? Suddenly we don’t know what they are talking about. What is the difference between a traditional 401k and a Roth 401k? It’s simpler than you […]

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