IFB350: Investing Abroad – Understanding TSMC, Geopolitical Risks, and Foreign Companies

Welcome to Episode 350 of The Investing For Beginners Podcast! Today, Andrew and Dave delve into the intriguing world of international and tech investments. We’ll kick things off by addressing a listener’s question about investing in foreign companies and the unique challenges it presents, using TSMC’s ADR as a case study. We’ll explore the impact […]

IFB349: Stock Splits, Diversification, and European Markets

Welcome to Episode 349 of the Investing for Beginners Podcast! In this episode, Dave and Andrew delve into the fascinating world of investing, addressing listener questions on topics ranging from stock splits to portfolio diversification. They share insights on maintaining interest in investing, the impact of liking the players in your portfolio, and the importance […]

IFB347: Listener Q&A – Exploring Amazon’s Stake in Rivian and Strategic Investment Insights

Welcome to episode 347 of The Investing For Beginners Podcast! Today, hosts Andrew and Dave discuss key investment topics for all levels of investors. We’ll start by examining the importance of SIPC insurance in protecting investments and the strategy behind holding multiple IRA accounts. We’ll then discuss transitioning from growth to dividend-paying stocks as retirement […]

IFB345: Listener Q&A – How to Utilize the 4% Rule for Lasting Wealth

Welcome back to The Investing for Beginners Podcast. In today’s episode 345, we’re tackling your pressing questions on making the most out of your investments and preparing for a comfortable retirement. First off, a big shoutout to Enrique, one of our long-time listeners, for a thought-provoking query on the 4% rule and the smartest withdrawal […]

IFB344: Understanding Business Cycles and Fundamentals

Welcome to episode 344 of The Investing For Beginners Podcast. I’m your host Dave, joined as always by Andrew. Today, we’re diving deep into investment strategies tailored for beginners and seasoned investors alike. Our focus takes a sharp turn towards industries that are often overlooked due to pessimism but may offer valuable opportunities for the […]

IFB343:Investing in Nvidia and Tech’s Value Chain – Risks and Opportunities

Hello and welcome to The Investing For Beginners Podcast, episode 343. I’m Andrew, with my co-host, Dave, and today we delve into the prudent world of investing with a margin of safety. In this episode, we’ll unveil the robust characteristics of stable companies that offer consistent dividends, exploring their often overlooked but critical role in […]

IFB341: Navigating Stock Market Volatility – A Guide for Beginners

Welcome to another episode of The Investing For Beginners Podcast! I’m your host, Dave, joined by my co-host, Andrew. Today, in Episode 341, we dive into the chaotic world of the stock market and demystify how it often diverges from actual business performance. We bring back the story of Mr. Market, our quintessential persona that […]

IFB340: The Pricing Power Debate and Investment Strategies for Beginners

Welcome back to The Investing For Beginners Podcast, I’m your host Dave, joined by Andrew, and you’re listening to episode 340. Today, we’re diving into the critical concept of pricing power and its role in defining a company’s moat, especially in heavyweight players like Nvidia and Tesla. As we wade into the debate on whether […]

IFB338: From Valuing Companies to Picking Brokers: Essential Advice for New Investors

Welcome to episode 338 of The Investing For Beginners Podcast! This is your host Dave, with co-host Andrew, and we’ve got a value-packed episode for you today. We’re breaking down the ins and outs of dollar cost averaging, comparing our philosophies to the likes of investing greats Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger. Plus, we tackle […]

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