IFB192: Navigating An Impending Crash, Investing Your Emergency Fund

Welcome to the Investing for Beginners podcast. In today’s show we discuss: How to navigate an impending stock market crash, and time in the market versus timing the market Building your portfolio with a mix of value and growth stocks A brief overview of commercial paper Different ideas to invest your emergency funds For more […]

Healthcare REITs Stocks: Full List 2022 [Top Companies Overview]

Publicly traded healthcare REITs have dual exposure to two favorable themes: real estate and healthcare spending. Exposure to both themes are attractive to investors because: (1) The real estate market can diverge from the stock market, protecting in some bear markets. (2) Aging baby boomers and expanded life expectancies are driving higher demands for healthcare […]

Optimize Your Retirement With This Roth vs. Traditional 401k Calculator!

To many people, the terms “Roth” and “Traditional” only apply to their IRA, but I am here to tell you that this is not the case. In fact, you can invest the same way but in your 401k! But the almighty question is always, “which one?” Well, that’s why I created this Roth vs. Traditional […]

“I Don’t Get It – Why is Investing Important?”

So many people will ask me “why is investing important” and at the end of the day, it really boils down to one thing – a lack of financial literacy, or as we like to call it, The Language of Money. What do we mean when we say, “the language of money?” Well, it’s simple, […]

Reinsurance Companies: How They Work, Comparing Top Reinsurers

Updated 5/22/2023 We all pay for life, auto, or health insurance, but would you be surprised to learn that those same insurance companies take out insurance to cover any risks they might encounter? It’s true, and reinsurers remain some of the largest insurance companies in the world. One of Warren Buffett’s greatest acquisitions for Berkshire […]

Tony Robbins and His 7 Steps to Financial Freedom

Updated 2/7/2024 I’ve decided to take a little bit of a turn in my book readings and wanted to focus on a book that I know has motivated some people in my life to take the journey into financial freedom – Money Master the Game by Tony Robbins. In the book, Robbins outlays his list […]

Global Wealth, Money, Real Estate, Bond, and Stock Market Statistics

With so many trillions and billions of dollars changing hands around the world today, how can the average investor make sense of it all? Follow the money. The global wealth picture is hard to follow but easier to understand through some basic money and stock market statistics. As an investor I’m curious to the actual […]

How to Create an All-Weather Portfolio Like Billionaire Ray Dalio

Updated 6/7/2023 Investing in uncertain times is a scary proposition, and any investor should wonder: is there a way to avoid the ups and downs of the market? Unfortunately, the answer is no, but there might be a way to level the playing field with an all-weather portfolio. The All-Weather Portfolio is a fund first […]

How to Learn the Mental Models of Charlie Munger: Be a Book with Legs

Charlie Munger is one of the greatest investors of all-time. How did he get there? Munger has offered a few clues; a key one is to build a latticework of mental models and, become a learning machine. I think we can all agree that Charlie Munger is an investor to learn from and emulate. Aside […]

Warren Buffett’s Special Situation Investing – A Best Kept Secret

Some of the greatest value investors of all-time have used special situation investing to attain superior returns in the stock market. The average investor can also find opportunities in special situations, usually by combining it with stocks that are cheap. I mentioned Warren Buffett, and I think most people actually aren’t aware that he used […]

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