Biofuel Industry Overview: Stocks to Watch (Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel)

Some of the hottest renewable energy stocks which are working to fight climate change can be found in the biofuel, or biodiesel and renewable diesel, industry. Learning about this complicated industry can be a challenge especially if you have no background in the energy sector, so I will attempt to do a complete breakdown from […]

Should Investors Care if a Stock gets Delisted?

With all the fanfare going on in the news about Chinese stocks being delisted from U.S. exchanges, many investors are currently wondering what will happen to their shares… Don’t fret, a stock holding being delisted is not the end of the world, especially for small retail investors with little need for liquidity. This article will […]

How Unemployment and the Stock Market Have Been Linked Through History

Updated – 11/17/23 You might want to know how unemployment affects the stock market. It would seem that logically, high unemployment should lead to a lower stock market. But, looking throughout history, we’ve actually seen that the relationship between unemployment and the stock market isn’t black-and-white, which may surprise you. Remember, history often rhymes. Today’s […]

More than Just Shark Tank Investors Can Partake in an Equity Raise!

For any business, the art of raising capital is an extremely important aspect task to stay afloat, at many different times of the business. One of the most common ways that you will see business do this is with an equity raise. What exactly does equity raise even mean? Equity raise, or equity financing, is […]

Why Inventory Turns Are Key in Evaluating a Company’s Gross Margin

Business strategy is not binary. High gross margins are good, but just because they are higher doesn’t always mean a company has a better strategy. Other components of gross margin, such as inventory turns, can reveal business models with better profits and cash flows even while targeting lower margins. Before exploring the basics of inventory […]

IFB180: The Absolute Simplest Way to Invest for Retirement

Investing for the future is a scary proposition, what if I pick the wrong company, what if I buy at the wrong time? These are all questions that beginning investors ask themselves. But it doesn’t have to be that scary, there are simple, easy to choose options for those starting out that allow you to […]

The 5 Best Personal Finance Podcasts for your FI Journey!

I am such a huge podcast nerd.  Like, I’m the type of person that will save the best personal finance podcasts for my workouts and listen to those rather than music.  Might sound ridiculous, right? This is a real-life conversation: My wife: “What do you listen to when you work out?” Me: “My personal finance […]

Disney Board of Directors, Management Decisions: Analyzed [Investor Guide]

As investors seeking to understand the companies that we trust our hard earned money to, a great way for us to evaluate leadership can be to learn about a company’s board of directors. The Disney board of directors in particular makes for a great case study due to their transition from Robert Iger to Bob […]

The Pros and Cons of Redeemable Preferred Stock

I recently wrote a post about the pros and cons of preferred equity, but did you know that there are actually is a type of preferred equity that the company can decide to pay you off for your shares?  Let me tell you all about redeemable preferred stock! First off, if you’re unfamiliar with preferred […]

What is a Good Net Profit Margin? 20 Years of Data from the S&P 500

Healthy margins are a telling signal of a healthy business. But what’s considered a good net profit margin can vary depending on the industry, and depending on the year. In my mind, it’s difficult to understand what constitutes a good net profit margin (also called “net margin”, or “net income margin”) when you have no […]

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