The Lessons and Blessings from the GameStop Short Squeeze

Welcome to The Investing for Beginners podcast, and on today’s show we discuss the recent market volatility regarding the situation with GameStop. We have George Papazov from Tradepro Academy with us to help educate everyone on what happened with GameStop, Robinhood, and w/Street Traders. Tradepro Academy Path to Profit: A Trader’s Journey For more insight […]

Graham Number: Classic Screener for Defensive Investors

Updated 4/21/2023 Screening for stocks using different metrics remains one of the best ways to search for companies to investigate. For defensive investors, one of the best screeners is the Graham Number. The Graham number equals a formula created from the writings of Graham in “The Intelligent Investor.” Using different methods to estimate the fair […]

Levered Free Cash Flow Formula (FCFE) Explained

Free cash flow and a DCF go hand-in-hand in estimating valuation. But should levered free cash flow (also called FCFE) be used in a DCF? How does leverage affect a DCF, and future cash flows, and the value of a company? These are the questions I will be answering in this post. The way that […]

Types of For Sale Securities and Their Accounting Treatment (AFS/HTM/HFT)

Have you wondered what all those assets on an insurance company’s balance sheet were? Or why do companies carry such a large balance of marketable securities? Did you know that Microsoft owns over $120 billion in short-term investments: over 70% of its current assets, and over 39% of its total assets? That is a large […]

IFB181: Comparing 3 Growth ETFs from Schwab, iShares, and Vanguard

Investing in ETFs is a great way to build a core portfolio, plus it can allow you to invest in sector where you might not have a circle of competence, but want to get exposoure. In today’s episode, Andrew and Dave discuss some of those options plus how important the price you pay matters. A […]

From the Vault: Stock Picking for Dummies

Today’s episode is from the archive, Andrew and I hope you enjoyed your holiday weekend and everyone is safe. Please enjoy this episode redux concerning stock picking and some of the pitfalls to avoid. Don’t worry, we will be back next week with a new episode. Announcer (00:00): You’re tuned in to the Investing for […]

IFB179: Interview with Jeff Desjardins of Visual Capitalist

In this gripping interview with Jeff Desjardins of, Dave and Andrew ask Jeff about some of the biggest secular developments that investors need to consider in the decades to come. The discussion includes: How there’s more data out there today than stars in the universe What the massive indebtedness in the world today means […]

Investing With Margin – Is it Risky or Genius?

I recently had a friend start investing with margin and not going to lie, he has had some freaking awesome results with it!  The thought of investing with margin was something that was always terrifying to be but it really made me question this belief.  So, the question is – should we all be investing […]

IFB172: How to Read An Annual Report – The Secret to Buffett’s Success

Announcer (00:02): I love this podcast because it crushes your dreams of getting rich quick. They actually got me into reading stats for anything you’re tuned in to the Investing for Beginners podcast led by Andrew Sather and Dave Ahern. Step-by-step premium investing guidance for beginners. Your path to financial freedom starts now Dave (00:33): […]

IFB171: Why Price to Book Died; VTI 7.0 Update

Announcer (00:02): I love this podcast because it crushes your dreams of getting rich quick. They actually got me into reading stats for anything you’re tuned in to the Investing for Beginners podcast led by Andrew Sather and Dave Ahern. Step-by-step premium investing guidance for beginners. Your path to financial freedom starts now. Dave (00:33): […]

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