IFB341: Navigating Stock Market Volatility – A Guide for Beginners

Welcome to another episode of The Investing For Beginners Podcast! I’m your host, Dave, joined by my co-host, Andrew. Today, in Episode 341, we dive into the chaotic world of the stock market and demystify how it often diverges from actual business performance. We bring back the story of Mr. Market, our quintessential persona that […]

How to Deal with Market Volatility with Braden Dennis

Welcome to the Investing for Beginners podcast. In today’s show, we discuss: *We discuss some of the recent market volatility and how to handle it with Braden Dennis of the Canadian Investor Podcast. *Following the business results of a company, over the long-term matter. *When the market is down is the best time to take […]

IFB178: How To Trade Vaccine Volatility

After huge swings gripped the stock market on the announcement of the effectiveness of Pfizer’s vaccine, investors saw certain stocks soar while other stocks (like those with the WFH theme) popped like a defused balloon. In this episode, Dave and Andrew discuss the mindset needed to invest during a time of great market volatility. A […]

The History of Stock Market Volatility in the United States

I’m going to need you to buckle your seatbelts and get ready…this is going to be an extremely bumpy ride as I take you through the history of the major periods of stock market volatility that we have experienced in the last 100 years!  So, with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, start your engines! […]

Understanding Financial Engineering For Investors

According to the Britannica Dictionary, an engineer is defined as: “a person who has scientific training and who designs and builds complicated products, machines, systems, or structures: a person who specializes in a branch of engineering” Engineering drives our modern world. From the buildings we live in to the cars we drive to the computing […]

IFB350: Investing Abroad – Understanding TSMC, Geopolitical Risks, and Foreign Companies

Welcome to Episode 350 of The Investing For Beginners Podcast! Today, Andrew and Dave delve into the intriguing world of international and tech investments. We’ll kick things off by addressing a listener’s question about investing in foreign companies and the unique challenges it presents, using TSMC’s ADR as a case study. We’ll explore the impact […]

Decoding the Future: A Comprehensive Guide to Expectations Investing

Investing is not just about numbers and charts; it’s about understanding what those numbers represent and how the market interprets them. Expectations Investing by Alfred Rappaport and Michael Mauboussin offers a unique lens to view the investment landscape, focusing on discerning the future financial performance implied by current stock prices. This approach contrasts traditional investment […]

IFB331: 6 Ways to Avoid Buying High and Selling Low

Welcome to The Investing For Beginners Podcast, I’m Dave and with me is Andrew. In episode 331, we’re diving into the crucial role of conviction in investing. Learn why knowing the reason behind your investments can help you stay the course during market volatility and aid in building wealth over time.We’ll share tips on how […]

Back to the Basics: Investment Strategies for Lifecycle Stages

Welcome to The Investing For Beginners Podcast. I’m Dave.Andrew: And I’m Andrew. In today’s episode, ‘B2B,’ we delve into the critical investment stages from initial accumulation to retirement’s harvest.Dave: Understanding the dichotomy between investment and speculation is essential, and we’re here to navigate these sometimes murky waters.Andrew: We’ll examine how astute investments in stalwart companies […]

8 Steps to Decoding Investment Moats

“In business, I look for economic castles protected by unbreachable ‘moats.’” ~ Warren Buffett, 2007 Shareholder Letter Finding companies with competitive advantages or moats are the Goldilocks of investments. Buffett made himself and his shareholders billions from investments in companies such as Coke, American Express, See’s Candies, and Apple. These companies exemplify moats or competitive […]

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