Can You Get Rich Only by Sector Investing?

I feel like the debate of sector investing is one that has lasted ages and so many people have different opinions on the practicality of it. Truthfully, I think that investing in a particular sector that is primed for a rebound makes a ton of sense, but there’s also some risk involved. For the most […]

What is ARPU and How Does it Affect My Investments?

ARPU is a term that a lot of companies use nowadays to try to breakdown some of their financial reporting ratios on a per user basis, for the simplicity of comparisons. ARPU stands for Average Revenue Per User, which companies can use to try and find the true Lifetime Value (LTV) of a customer. A […]

Avoid Value Traps by Understanding Various Valuation Multiples by Industry!

One of the hardest things to do when investing is figure out the proper value for a company.  Sure, “buy low, sell high” sounds easy enough, but with differing valuation multiples by industry, it’s not just a blanket process that you can apply to all companies that you look at. When I first started investing, […]

10 Bagger: The Term Coined by Legendary Investor Peter Lynch

Have you ever heard of a 10 bagger?  If not, it’s because you’ve never had one!! Don’t worry, neither have I…yet!  I am destined to get there someday, hopefully sooner than later, but it’s all about sticking to the process! So, what exactly is a 10 bagger?  Well, it’s simple – it’s simply a stock […]

The Essays of Warren Buffett: A Complete Book Summary

I feel like I’ve been reading the Essays of Warren Buffett for literally a lifetime, and although it hasn’t nearly need that long, it does feel like I’ve obtained a lifetime of information from his book.  Looking back at some of the previous summaries that I have written, Buffett does an amazing job of making […]

An Example of Accounting Fraud as told by Warren Buffett

In this next section of The Essays of Warren Buffett, Buffett talks about the difference between investing and speculating and how sometimes it can really just be a big case of accounting fraud by the owners of the company if you’re not paying attention and sticking to the fundamentals. Buffett gives one of my favorite […]

Defining Intelligent Investing According to Warren Buffett

First, let me say that you need to go out and buy The Essays of Warren Buffett as soon as you can.  In this short 7-page section he does an amazing job at explaining what it means partake in Intelligent Investing vs. what we all have likely done before- pretending that we are day traders. […]

Some of the Greatest Multibagger Stocks Snagged by Famous Investors

Have you ever heard of the term ‘ multibagger’ before?  If you haven’t, then you probably haven’t had any multibagger stocks!  Don’t worry, neither have I, but I am anxious for my first time to get there.  A multibagger is a stock that has increased in value many times over what you initially bought the […]

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