The Ultimate Guide to an Effective Family Finance Meeting

Do me a favor and before you read anything further, go use the bathroom. Get yourself a drink. Eat a snack. Get ready, because this post about hosting an effective family finance meeting is legitimately one of the most lifechanging things that I think you can do for both yourself and your family. If you’re […]

Which Investing Strategy is Better – Value vs. Growth Stocks!

I feel like anytime I listen to an investing podcast or turn on CNBC, everyone is talking about how insane the market has been right now. It seems like now more than ever, in the crazy year of 2020, people are talking about this epic battle of value vs. growth stocks. While this debate does […]

5 Tangible Steps for You to Increase Income to the MAX!

As you likely know, there are really two different ways for anyone to save money – you either have to cut your expenses of increase your income, and I’m ready to go in depth with ways to increase your income! Of course, there are other ways like winning the lottery, receiving an inheritance, or robbing […]

Having Investing Paralysis by Analysis? Start with a SWOT Matrix!

If you have ever had to create a SWOT Matrix for a school project then I am guessing that you are probably triggered by even reading the title of this blog. Guess what – I don’t blame you! Truthfully, I am too. I hated doing any sort of SWOT Matrix and it just seemed like […]

Improving a Company’s Efficiency with Supply Chain Network Optimization

If you have ever seen an episode of Shark Tank, I guarantee you have heard the sharks bring up questions like, “what do you need us for”. And I feel like the top three answers are always the contacts, the leadership, and the assistance in their supply chain network optimization. It’s not hard to find […]

Is the Santa Claus Rally a Real Thing? Spoiler – It is!

I recently was having a conversation with a coworker where they said that the Santa Claus Rally was one of their favorite times of the year when it comes to investing. I have heard the term of Santa Claus Rally before but it’s typically on CNBC and truthfully, that’s the exact type of phrase that […]

More than Just Shark Tank Investors Can Partake in an Equity Raise!

For any business, the art of raising capital is an extremely important aspect task to stay afloat, at many different times of the business. One of the most common ways that you will see business do this is with an equity raise. What exactly does equity raise even mean? Equity raise, or equity financing, is […]

The 5 Best Personal Finance Podcasts for your FI Journey!

I am such a huge podcast nerd.  Like, I’m the type of person that will save the best personal finance podcasts for my workouts and listen to those rather than music.  Might sound ridiculous, right? This is a real-life conversation: My wife: “What do you listen to when you work out?” Me: “My personal finance […]

The 5 Types of Mergers and Acquisitions and Its Impact on Your Investments

Have you ever had a stock jump massively after there was a merger and acquisition announced?  Or, maybe the opposite happened and the share price dropped significantly.  Either of these can happen for many reasons, so I think it’s fitting for us to take a deep dive into the various types or mergers and acquisitions! […]

The Pros and Cons of Redeemable Preferred Stock

I recently wrote a post about the pros and cons of preferred equity, but did you know that there are actually is a type of preferred equity that the company can decide to pay you off for your shares?  Let me tell you all about redeemable preferred stock! First off, if you’re unfamiliar with preferred […]

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