The Basics of Wall Street Explained – Is it a Place for Good?

Updated 4/15/2024 So, you’re looking to start investing, but first, you want to know the basics of Wall Street. What is it? Why does it exist? Is it a place for good? Key Takeaways In this post, I’m going to answer the following questions: What is Wall Street? Wall Street is a physical location in […]

Realty Income (O) Dividend History: Monthly Income, Long Track Record

Realty Income Co (O) is a company that has a really strong focus on providing dividend value to their shareholders, and honestly, I see the stock mentioned all the time among dividend communities.  So, it really made me think – what does the O dividend history really look like? One of my biggest issues with […]

Are you Market Timing? If so, I Bet You’re Losing Money…

Updated 4/17/2024 Have you ever been a victim of market timing and inevitably lost a lot of your money? So many new investors fall victim to market timing over and over again, so the real question is—how can I avoid the trap of market timing? Let me help out with some concrete tips! Click to […]

7 Insightful Keynes Quotes about Economics and the Stock Market

John Maynard Keynes was a British economist who really changed the thought process on macroeconomics over time, and as you might expect with any great mind, there are always going to be some great quotes to live by, so let’s checkout these 7 insightful Keynes Quotes! But first – who is John Maynard Keynes? Keynes […]

Why is Cash Flow Important? It’s Not What You Think!

As I am writing this article, it’s the middle of August 2020 and COVID is in full force in the US.  The question of ‘why is cash flow important?’ might seem pretty obvious, but I am here to tell you that it’s not as obvious as you might think! The obvious answer is because cash […]

Are You Engaging in Speculative Investing? Be Ready To Lose Money…

Have you ever found yourself dabbling a little bit into a stock that you don’t know a lot about but it’s just 100% you doing some speculative investing?  I’m not going to lie, I certainly have and I even do a bit today, but if you don’t have it under control (or maybe even avoid […]

Where to Put Your Money? Large Cap vs. Small Cap Stocks!

Where to Put Your Money? Large Cap vs. Small Cap Stocks! I love listening/watching CNBC whenever I have free time, solely for the entertainment factor, and it feels like every sentence they’re saying something about “large cap tech” running up the S&P.  I started thinking more about this and I wondered – should I be […]

5 Major Takeaways from Top Selling Book – Dual Momentum Investing

It’s an amazing feeling to finish a book, especially one that I started multiple months ago, but I feel like taking this long to read Dual Momentum Investing has really helped me comprehend the material a ton and has made me a much, much better investor. Throughout the course of the book, I was making […]

Don’t Let Simple Valuation Ratios Muddy the Big Picture

One pitfall that I think is very easy for us investors to fall into is getting blinders on and looking at some simple valuation ratios and making that the most important part of any investment.  Honestly, I know that this is something that I struggle with a lot. I am a very analytical person and […]

Avoid the Calories and Dollars with These Healthy Meal Plans on a Budget

Not going to lie – I have been super excited to write this blog post for quite some time so if at any point you notice that I am screaming then I AM SORRY!  Sorry.  I just get super passionate about eating healthy and showing people how they can save money, so why not combine […]

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