Your ‘How To’ Guide for Creating Generational Wealth for Your Family

Do you ever wish that you knew more about personal finance earlier in your life?  If not, you are in the minority, my friend.  So many people say that their biggest regret is that they didn’t start earlier, so I’m here to stop the trend.  Here’s my How-To Guide for creating generational wealth for your […]

“I Need a Baby Budget? I Don’t Even Know the Cost of Diapers!”

Updated 1/17/2024 If you’re expecting a new addition to your family or maybe you’re starting to try for one, I have a name recommendation for you… ’Expensive.’ I’m kidding, but man, children are NOT CHEAP!  Don’t worry, I’m here to tell you about my trials and tribulations and most importantly, the cost of diapers! I’m […]

The Effects of Inflation and Its Role on the Economy and Your Money

We’re living in super uncertain times right now and if you’re anything like me, you’re likely wondering about how all of this coronavirus and stimulus responses will not only impact the country, but also yourself specifically.  One very likely outcome is that we might see some serious inflation and if so, what really are the […]

5 Insane Compound Interest Examples to Keep You Motivated

Compound Interest is one of the most amazing things in this world and is the reason that I got behind investing in the first place.  While you might understand compound interest, it’s hard to really get the full impact until you see the math – so let’s check out these 5 insane compound interest examples! […]

A Complete Richest Man in Babylon Summary with Chapter Reviews

I feel like I’ve blown through ‘The Richest Man in Babylon’ because the book was just so hard to put down!  But don’t worry, if you don’t have time to read it or don’t want to buy it, which you should do both, below is my Richest Man in Babylon summary! The thing that I […]

How Coronavirus Stimulus Could Cause Deflation Rather Than Inflation

When money is pumped into the economy, like it is right now with stimulus checks, it is oftentimes a question of how it will impact the inflationary rate in the country.  But have you thought about stimulus deflation?  It seems backwards – I am here to show you that it’s not! When you’re in the […]

3 Top Stock Market Movies That Are Entertaining and Kinda Helpful

We live in a world where information is literally at our fingertips and you can consume it any point that your heart desires – but sometimes it’s just flat out overwhelming, right?  Let me tell you my three favorite stock market movies that will not only give you a chance to relax but also are […]

What is the True Cost of a Home Gym?

Many of us right now are stuck at home, quarantined due to the coronavirus, and the only way that we can workout is if we go on a run outside or do bodyweight videos like Insanity.  Isn’t that so frustrating?  A home gym might sound it expensive but you’ll be surprised when you learn the […]

The History and Secrets of Babylon and its Money

If you’re finding yourself struggling with getting your mindset right and can’t seem to get motivated and focused on personal finance, you have come to the right place.  This chapter in ‘The Richest Man in Babylon’  really talks about the history of Babylon Money and how you can learn from the history to develop your […]

Hey Andy – Help Me, I’m Poor!

Have you ever just opened up your bank account and felt absolutely helpless?  I have.  Maybe you’re sitting there thinking, “Help me, I’m poor!”  Regardless of your situation, you can always become one step closer to achieving financial autonomy, or if you’re already there, you can keep taking steps to get further and further away […]

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