Deep Value with Tobias Carlisle: Podcast Interview Summary

A few months ago, Andrew and Dave hosted a guest on the Investing for Beginners Podcast and it was one of my favorite episodes.  Their guest was someone that was so focused on finding deep value that I went back and listened to the podcast again and wanted to do an episode summary completely on […]

17 Simple Minimalist Living Tips for a Maximum Life

The Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) community is all about cutting all expenses, maximize income, and retiring ASAP.  While that in theory sounds great, I don’t want to live in a RV for my last 50 years.  I’m here to show that you can still have a minimalist living approach without living a minimal life! […]

Advice from Investment Management Associates CEO Vitaliy Katsenelson

One of my favorite things about the Investing for Beginners Podcast is that a lot of the information is timeless lessons that you can go back and listen to over and over again and always take something new from it.  Episode 93 with Vitaliy Katsenelson, the CEO at Investment Management Associates is absolutely no different! […]

403b Calculator: Making Sure You Have Enough Money to Retire!!

Do you have a 403b?  Isn’t it frustrating how in the personal finance world always talks about a 401k but not your 403b?  Don’t worry – I’m here to help make sure you’re on track with a 403b calculator! First off, what even is a 403b? A 403b is very, very similar to the 401k […]

Ancient Principle: Attracting Good Fortune and Money Through Action

Are you the type of person that when something happens to you, you think of it as an end product of hard work, but when something bad happens, it’s nothing more than bad luck?  Well, that, my friends, is not a great mindset if you want to get ahead in your personal finance journey!  In […]

7 Cures for a Lean Purse: Money Secrets from the Ancients

Unfortunately, we live in a country where many people do not have a lean purpose, and in all actuality that have an absolutely ton of debt that is prohibiting them from potentially ever reaching financial autonomy.  But don’t worry, I’m here with a chapter recap of ‘The Richest Man in Babylon’ to teach you the […]

A Complete Rich Dad Poor Dad Summary with Chapter Reviews

Boom!  I finally did it.  I finished Kiyosaki’s book and now it’s time for my ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ summary.  Are you as pumped as I am? If you’ve been following along with my review then you know that this has literally taken weeks, but I promise you the book isn’t that hard or long […]

What the Data Tells Us About Momentum Stocks: Are They Good Buys?

As a new investor, it can be really easy to get caught up into defining what sort of investor are you – growth? Value? Momentum? It can be confusing and all it does is add stress to the new investor but don’t worry, I’m here to decode the BS and breakdown if momentum stocks are […]

The History of Economic Prosperity in the United States

The United States has a very long history of economic prosperity and it seems like most of those strong times occur right after a very scary market downturn like the tech bubble, the housing market bubble and potentially the coronavirus!  But to be quite honest, talking about how great America is really makes me really […]

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