Our Favorite (Free) Value Stock Screener: A Comprehensive Guide

Chances are that if you have been investing for any period at all, you’ve likely used a value stock screener to try to find certain stocks that meet your investing requirements.  If you haven’t done that, then I’m scared for you for one of two reasons: You’re going through each stock manually which is going […]

The Emotional Decision of When to Sell Stocks in Your Portfolio

Every new investor wants to know when you know that you should buy a stock, but it seems like the question is never asked about when to sell stocks.  Why is that?  Well, to be honest, I think it’s because people think that knowing when to sell a stock is easy – but they’re wrong! […]

4 Top Passive Income Books for Building Lasting Wealth

Lately I’ve been on a sort of book review kick and have given some suggestion for best investing books but not I want to tackle the best passive income books that I would recommend that you read!  If you’ve never considered a side hustle/passive income/second job before, you’re missing out.  Now let me clarify and […]

Understanding Buffett’s Owner Earnings for Beginners

As we continue to get more and more into the weeds with Warren Buffett in his book, ‘The Essays of Warren Buffett’, he focuses on Owner Earnings in this chapter and just how skewed that they can become if you’re not evaluating them properly.  Buffett begins the chapter by showing a balance sheet of two […]

What Value Investing Blog Would You Recommend for Beginners?

So, you’re finally drinking the Kool-Aid about value investing, but the issue is that you’re a brand-new beginner, and you can’t find that perfect value investing blog!  So, as expected, you come to your favorite blog of all time (this one, duh) to try to find some recommendations about where to start.  Well, I think […]

Examples of Big Stock Market Fears that Never Played Out

In a recent episode of the Investing for Beginners Podcast, Andrew and Dave talk about some various stock market fears in an episode that is titled, ‘Investors Don’t Know Anything (About the Future).”  I mean, isn’t that just a hilarious and truthful title? The truth is that none of us know anything about what is […]

Economic Goodwill vs Accounting Goodwill: What Warren Buffett Says

The next lesson that Buffett teaches us in his book, ‘The Essays of Warren Buffett,’ is the difference between economic goodwill and accounting goodwill.  You might vaguely remember these terms from a previous accounting class or maybe they’re brand new concepts to you, but either way, let’s first define them so that we can all […]

Is Financial Autonomy Possible for the Average Person?

So, you’ve landed on this blog because you’re trying to find out if it’s possible for the average person to ever achieve financial autonomy and do whatever they want with their money.  Well, I have some good news and some bad news for you.  Click to jump to a section: The Bad News First, let’s […]

A Few Reasons why Investing in eSports Could Result in Massive Gains

Have you ever considered investing in eSports?  If not, you could really be missing out on some major potential gains. In a recent Investing for Beginners Podcast episode, Andrew and Dave had a special guest on, Braden Dennis, and they talked about four tips for beginning investors.  When they were talking about these tips, the […]

Why Do Financial Gurus Love Short Term Life Insurance?

First and foremost, I am very proud of you for taking the step to look at Life Insurance, but if you’re getting just started, you’re probably at a complete loss for where you should even start.  I know that I was, but I settled on short term life insurance for myself to set my family […]

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