Walter Schloss – One of the Greatest Value Investors of All Time

Have you ever heard of Walter Schloss?  I’m guessing not, but by the end of this article you’re going to be referring to him as Walter BOSS! Walter Schloss was one of the lucky few that was able to learn directly from Benjamin Graham, but he has maintained a relatively low amount of recognition when […]

Templeton Growth Fund – But Is It Actually?

On a recent episode of the Investing for Beginners Podcast Andrew and Dave had a guest, Scott Chapman, join the show.  During the podcast, Scott talks about his book, Empower Your Investing, and goes in depth with how and why he decided to write the book.  Listening to the podcast really sparked my interest with […]

9 Top Benjamin Graham Quotes on Value Investing

Benjamin Graham is one of the most successful value investors of all time and he also has given us some freaking amazing quotes throughout his life!  I have written quite a few posts on Benjamin Graham and maybe you can even call me a bit of a fanboy, so why not keep the train going […]

Some of the Greatest Multibagger Stocks Snagged by Famous Investors

Have you ever heard of the term ‘ multibagger’ before?  If you haven’t, then you probably haven’t had any multibagger stocks!  Don’t worry, neither have I, but I am anxious for my first time to get there.  A multibagger is a stock that has increased in value many times over what you initially bought the […]

Top Philip Fisher Quotes on a Matured Investing Strategy

If you’ve been following along with some of my blog posts on the extremely popular book, ‘Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits’ by Phillip Fisher, then you know already that Fisher is a great philosopher of growth investing.  And if you’ve read any of my posts before, then you know that I love myself some great […]

Succeed with Dividend Growth Investing by Analyzing a Stock’s Growth

In a recent episode of the Investing for Beginners Podcast, Andrew and Dave broke down how to analyze a stock’s potential by using dividend growth investing history.  Luckily for us, they broke it up into a 2-part session (which means we get double the information ?) and split it amongst two different podcast episodes (Part […]

An Outline of the Phil Fisher Investment Philosophy Shared in His Book

Phil Fisher, author of Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits, has now taken a shift in the most recent chapter of his book to focus on some of the philosophies that have helped shaped his methodology.  He really goes deep into his experiences so hopefully you can learn something from these Phillip Fisher Growth Investing philosophies […]

Famous Growth Investor on Why Conservative Investors Sleep Well

Phil Fisher, author of Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits, has been one to always talk about the power of how conservative investors sleep well, and he really hammers this topic in his Part 2 section of the book by identifying 4 key points. Superiority in Production, Marketing, Research and Financial Skills Fisher starts off this […]

Investor’s Checklist of What Not to do According to Phil Fisher

Similar, but in the complete opposite of my most recent blog about Phillip Fisher’s 15 Points to Look for in a Common Stock, Fisher also outlines a list of 10 “do nots” when it comes to an investor’s checklist between Chapters 8 & 9 in his extremely popular book, Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits.  I’ve […]

‘Super 6’ List of Deep Value Investing Thought Leaders (and their quotes)

Deep value investing is a kind of value investing that compares the price of a stock to what it’s really worth. Rather than looking at a stock as a very long term investment in a fantastic company, a deep value investing approach looks to repeatedly take advantage of a stock priced at a discount to […]

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