How Do You Know When To Sell a Stock?

Updated: 6/16/2023 A question as old as time in the stock market. How do you know when to sell a stock? If you ask an investing great, they will likely say something to the effect of: “the best time to sell a stock is never.” In fact, I think Warren Buffett said that one already. […]

442,823 Reasons to Avoid Fidelity Target Date Funds

I oftentimes hear people say that target date funds are a great way for the “hands-off” investor to get some exposure to the market, but you know me – I always go into things just a little bit skeptical. To understand better, I took a deep dive and guess what – I found 442,833 reasons […]

Concentrated Portfolio: The 4 Hidden Risks for the Average Investor

Having a concentrated portfolio of stocks has been the secret to success for many great investors such as Warren Buffett. Though Buffett is one of my heroes, I’ve come to the conclusion that a concentrated portfolio is probably not the right solution for the average investor, and certainly not for most. Trust me, I know […]

The Two Main Tendencies that Cause You To Panic Sell Your Stocks

Oh boy – the panic sell. It’s an age-old mishap that so many investors will find themselves susceptible to and one that literally takes years and years of practice to be able to successfully master. What even is a panic sell, thought? A panic sell is when you see your stocks dropping like a rock […]

Portfolio Risk Management: 6 Strategies for the Retail Investor

Risk management is an important element to achieving long-term investment results but it often gets overlooked by investors as generating returns takes center stage. Due to the compounding effects of investment returns, losing money can be a catastrophe. That’s why Warren Buffett has two simple rules when it comes to investing. Rule #1: don’t lose […]

100 Baggers: What Are They, Where Can I Find Them (With Examples)

Updated 5/29/2023 Peter Lynch first used “10-bagger” to describe stocks multiplied in value tenfold, or 10 to 1. In his fantastic book, 100 Baggers, Christopher Mayer, portfolio manager and co-founder of Woodlock House Family Capital, extended the idea to discuss stocks going from 1 to 100. In today’s crazy world, finding companies multiplying their value […]

GARP Investing – Growth at a Reasonable Price

Growth at a Reasonable Price (GARP) investing is a hybrid style of investing which combines both growth investing and value investing attributes. Investors following a GARP strategy are looking to stay in the middle of the universe of investible companies by investing in stocks that have above-average growth rates but still trade at reasonable valuations […]

Hot Take – Dollar Cost Average (DCA Investing) Will HURT Your Returns!

Yeah, I said it – DCA investing is actually going to hurt your returns. And honestly, I feel like it’s really not even that much of a hot take when it really boils down to it. The biggest thing that I see with people that argue for DCA investing is that their definition of DCA […]

What the Value Trap Indicator Is and What It Is Not.

“But I’m just a soul whose intentions are good, Oh Lord, please don’t let me be misunderstood” –Nina Simone If you’re reading this, you’ve either already purchased the Value Trap Indicator or are thinking of purchasing it. I want to clear things up about the tool, because in the 5+ years I’ve made it available […]

How to Create an All-Weather Portfolio Like Billionaire Ray Dalio

Updated 6/7/2023 Investing in uncertain times is a scary proposition, and any investor should wonder: is there a way to avoid the ups and downs of the market? Unfortunately, the answer is no, but there might be a way to level the playing field with an all-weather portfolio. The All-Weather Portfolio is a fund first […]

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