How Long Will My Money Last with the 4% Rule? (Based on History)

If you’ve ever listened to even 5 minutes of a Financial Independence podcast, then you’ve likely heard something about the 4% rule.  The 4% rule is a very simple rule of thumb, but for someone like myself that loves to dive into the numbers – I always asked myself, actually how long will my money […]

Is Financial Autonomy Possible for the Average Person?

So, you’ve landed on this blog because you’re trying to find out if it’s possible for the average person to ever achieve financial autonomy and do whatever they want with their money.  Well, I have some good news and some bad news for you.  Click to jump to a section: The Bad News First, let’s […]

The Best Car for Uber When Accounting for Expenses and Other Features

So, you’re like one of the 900,000 people (literally) that have decided to drive for Uber, so how do you know what the best car for uber is?  Well, that’s an easy answer – find the car with the best gas mileage, right?  Well, I don’t disagree with the thought process, but being a frequent […]

What’s the Tax Rate on my Bonus if I Invest it in the Stock Market?

So, you’ve just received a big bonus at work and you’re wondering what you should be doing with it, any quite frankly, you’re worried about losing a lot of it due to such a high bonus tax rate.  First off, CONGRATS!  A bonus is a big deal.  It means you’re getting your stuff done and […]

7 House Hunting Checklist Items to Lower the Cost of Your Mortgage

As a recent first-time home buyer, I have learned (some proactively and some the hard way) some quick tips to that will help you save on the cost of your mortgage.  A lot of obvious things might be “lower your APR” or “put more than 20% down,” which are great, but not always realistic.  So, […]

Wealth Accumulation in Action in the Stock Market (with practical examples)

Winning in the stock market requires the right wealth accumulation mindset, and ironically, most people who build wealth successfully do it with great help from the stock market. So today, let’s consider how most people think about accumulating wealth, and how you should do it, by… Tracking the right wealth accumulation metrics Finding the right […]

Will a Finance Degree, Major, or Certification (CFA, MBA) make me rich?

The public perceptions about people with a finance degree and the realities of finance careers can sometimes be vastly different. Even students studying for a finance major might not realize what going into finance really entails. Then once you have the degree, you might wonder if a professional certification like the CFA or an MBA […]

Investing, Finance, and Money Memes that are Actually Funny or Useful

These finance, stock market, investing, and money memes that you see here have been posted on the Investing for Beginners Facebook Page that I run. I recommend liking/ following that page to get more memes into your feed. 7 Steps to Wealth: What a side hustle looked like in 1989: We all have no money: […]

What’s a Reasonable Goal for an Average Retirement?

Many of us wonder how we are doing when it comes to retirement savings. It can make us money hungry, not because we are greedy but because we just want a comfortable, average retirement. Well, is an average retirement possible for the average person? We need to understand that this is a numbers problem, and […]

The Average American is Drowning in Debt – Here’s Your Life Preserver

This is a guest post from Joseph Hogue. As a financial advisor, I’ve seen the frustration Andrew talks about when he hears people just don’t have money to invest. It doesn’t help that wages have barely budged over the last decade. The cost of healthcare and education are rising faster than paychecks and many families […]

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