Simple Vehicle Maintenance Checklist to Save Your Budget

Don’t get a nice car.  Pay for your car outright.  Maybe don’t even get a car if you can manage without one.  If you’re into the Financial Independence world, you have heard all of these things said, but they’re easier said than done.  However, a simple way for you to save money on your car […]

The Best Budget Planner Online Today (That’s Also the Simplest to Use)

This blog post is something that is really near and dear to my heart.  I truly think that so many people are in debt because they don’t know how to budget or simply don’t want to.  Well, I have developed what I think is the best budget planner and I have made it available to […]

Why a Scalable Income is Better Than an Hourly Wage for Wealth Building

I recently went through a very thorough review of The Essays of Warren Buffett and did a total book review and now I am on to my next book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, and we’re tackling Chapter 1: discussing why scalable income is better than an hourly wage for wealth building. I cannot speak specifically […]

Worst 401k Mistakes – The Biggest One will SHOCK You

A 401k is a wonderful thing as long as you’re using it correctly.  Something that I have learned over the years is that so many people are making 401k mistakes and they don’t even know it.  Sometimes I get asked questions from coworkers about what they should do regarding their 401k and it: Makes me […]

Some Popular (and Unpopular) Wealth Creation Strategies

When someone says fire is your first instinct to run for the door?  To be honest, I think that I’m at the point now where I’m ready to talk about my Roth IRA and some of my wealth creation strategies… For those of you that might be unfamiliar, FIRE, to some people, stands for Financial […]

How Long Will My Money Last with the 4% Rule? (Based on History)

If you’ve ever listened to even 5 minutes of a Financial Independence podcast, then you’ve likely heard something about the 4% rule.  The 4% rule is a very simple rule of thumb, but for someone like myself that loves to dive into the numbers – I always asked myself, actually how long will my money […]

Is Financial Autonomy Possible for the Average Person?

So, you’ve landed on this blog because you’re trying to find out if it’s possible for the average person to ever achieve financial autonomy and do whatever they want with their money.  Well, I have some good news and some bad news for you.  Click to jump to a section: The Bad News First, let’s […]

Why Do Financial Gurus Love Short Term Life Insurance?

First and foremost, I am very proud of you for taking the step to look at Life Insurance, but if you’re getting just started, you’re probably at a complete loss for where you should even start.  I know that I was, but I settled on short term life insurance for myself to set my family […]

Millennials: Is Pet Life Insurance a Good Investment?

As you know, I am a huge advocate for life insurance for a human but should you get life insurance for your pets too?  People seem more willing than ever to shell out whatever amount of money is necessary on their pets nowadays and some are even going to lengths of pet health and pet […]

Comparing Past Annuity Rates to Interest Rates… Good Investment?

If you have been investing for some time then you have likely heard of annuities, and even more likely is that you have likely heard someone else’s opinion about them, either good or bad.  Well, my friends – I am here to take a deeper dive into annuity rates to try to determine if they’re […]

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