Understanding the Importance of Financial Literacy for Youth

In a world where there are so many problems, if we understood the importance of financial literacy for youth, so many could be solved. It wasn’t that long ago when graduating from high school and going straight to work was the norm. My grandparents were married at 18, had their first child at 20, and […]

Best Investment Plans to Consider for Your Children’s Future [Pros and Cons]

There are many different options including 529 college savings accounts, a simple stock account for your child, or a standard savings account. The short answer, you can’t go wrong when it comes to investing in your child. Any money you set aside in any type of account is fantastic. However, there are a few things […]

Why You Should Start an HSA Investment Strategy if You Haven’t Already

When you talk about retirement, you typically hear words like 401K or IRA. What you should be thinking about is an HSA investment strategy, and here is more info. Today’s main topic will be helping you understand why and how you need to consider a Health Savings Account (HSA) investment strategy. But first, let us […]

Easy Ways to Save Money on a Tight Budget

If you find yourself scrambling for money each month, try these easy ways to save money on a tight budget. You’ll learn some good habits and have some extra cash. With 60 percent of the U.S. population living paycheck to paycheck, finding ways to save money on a tight budget is an extremely useful topic. […]

Why you Should Consider a Dependent Care FSA

With the cost of child care through the roof the last few years, a Dependent Care FSA is a great option to get a slight tax break on your money. One of the biggest expenses that young families will incur is the cost of childcare should both parents return to work. In major cities around […]

A Dependent Care FSA Can Save You Up To $1,850 Each Year!

Updated 6/3/2024 If you know anything about me, you know that I am a literal fanatic (psycho) about personal finance. I love finding continuous ways to optimize my finances in the most optimal solution, and that’s exactly how I came across the Dependent Care FSA. I listen to personal finance podcasts and read all sorts […]

Simple Frugal Tips that can Pay Huge Dividends

Don’t let friends call you cheap because you are good at saving money. Here are some frugal tips that won’t change your life, and save you some cash. Before I get going, I want to start by saying there is a big difference in being frugal and being cheap. Today I want to give you […]

Key Things to Save up for as you Navigate Through Life

No matter what stage of life you are in, there are always things to save up for. Here is a short list you should consider contributing to. Every young working person thinks they have all the time in the world to start saving money, and every older working person in the world thinks that it’s […]

Everything you Need to Know: Traditional IRA Pros and Cons

Traditional IRA accounts don’t have to be utilized just for retirement funds. Check out Traditional IRA pros and cons to see if an account makes sense for you. As you work to enter the next big phase of your life, it’s sometimes easy to forget about planning for after your career, when you are just […]

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