What Stock Market Tops Look Like– History of the NASDAQ and Dow

It’s so easy to say “this time is different.” Well, that’s one thing that’s never different during stock market tops. That people will never stop saying “this time is different.” We will discuss the tops of the past, looking at old articles published at the time, and discover the following: I’ve started collecting old news […]

Four Things to Know About the Potential Disadvantages of ETFs

There’s no denying that ETFs, or Exchange Traded Funds, have revolutionized the world of investing and made it cheaper, easier, and safer than before. While the advantages of ETFs are many, there are also some sinister disadvantages to ETFs which can creep up on unsuspecting investors. ETFs are essentially baskets of stocks. One popular ETF […]

Global Wealth, Money, Real Estate, Bond, and Stock Market Statistics

With so many trillions and billions of dollars changing hands around the world today, how can the average investor make sense of it all? Follow the money. The global wealth picture is hard to follow but easier to understand through some basic money and stock market statistics. As an investor I’m curious to the actual […]

Can You Get Rich Only by Sector Investing?

I feel like the debate of sector investing is one that has lasted ages and so many people have different opinions on the practicality of it. Truthfully, I think that investing in a particular sector that is primed for a rebound makes a ton of sense, but there’s also some risk involved. For the most […]

How to Find Acquisition Candidates – Two Perfect Real Life Examples

M&A can be a huge value driver for both the acquiror and acquired if it unlocks larger future growth or leads to synergistic cost efficiencies. Add the fact that simple a M&A announcement can catapult shares of the target higher, and investors are incentivized to identify acquisition candidates and invest in them. The problem with […]

Timeline of the Great Depression: Its Causes and How It Ended

Updated 4/28/2023 “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.” Mark Twain The Great Depression is one of the world’s greatest catastrophes, with repercussions that have echoed. Many are familiar with the term and know it is “bad.” But most are not familiar with the origins and the timeline of the Great Depression and how […]

Warren Buffett’s Special Situation Investing – A Best Kept Secret

Some of the greatest value investors of all-time have used special situation investing to attain superior returns in the stock market. The average investor can also find opportunities in special situations, usually by combining it with stocks that are cheap. I mentioned Warren Buffett, and I think most people actually aren’t aware that he used […]

Wall Street Bear – Friend or Foe?!

One of the most dangerous things in the investing world is dealing with a Wall Street Bear. If you’re like me and a total CNBC addict, then chances are you’re going to hear all different sorts of opinions, but seriously – the Wall Street Bear is the worst! Investopedia says that, “A bear is an […]

Should Investors Care if a Stock gets Delisted?

With all the fanfare going on in the news about Chinese stocks being delisted from U.S. exchanges, many investors are currently wondering what will happen to their shares… Don’t fret, a stock holding being delisted is not the end of the world, especially for small retail investors with little need for liquidity. This article will […]

Improving a Company’s Efficiency with Supply Chain Network Optimization

If you have ever seen an episode of Shark Tank, I guarantee you have heard the sharks bring up questions like, “what do you need us for”. And I feel like the top three answers are always the contacts, the leadership, and the assistance in their supply chain network optimization. It’s not hard to find […]

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