Handy Andy’s Lessons: Should I Use Savings to Pay Off Debt?

Not going to lie – times are pretty crazy right now, both globally and also in my own personal life! Sometimes when things get crazy, you can tend to lose track of your own personal strategic plan, and that can be disastrous! I mean, even I, Mr. Invest Everything at All Times, have considered if I […]

Hey Andy – Why Do People Invest?

To someone that is not an investor in the stock market, beginning to invest can be absolutely terrifying, and guess what – I 100% understand. It’s easy to get lost in the industry jargon and the numbers people talk about and just be turned off from investing altogether, but I am here to answer the […]

IFB259: All About Taxes and Different Vehicles You Can Use to Help Reduce Your Taxes

Welcome to the Investing for Beginners podcast! Today’s episode will be about us talking on everybody’s favorite subject- taxes! Sarcasm intended. As we near the tax filing season, we find it timely to talk about how taxes impact investing and ultimately your path to financial freedom. Listen on as we break down this important topic […]

IFB251: How to Get the Most Out of My Companies Dividends + Investigating Brokerages

Welcome to the Investing for Beginners podcast. In today’s show, we answer three listener questions: For more insight like this into investing and stock selection for beginners, visit stockmarketpdf.com  Today’s show is sponsored by: Masterclass Today’s show is sponsored by Masterclass, one of my favorite new mediums to learn from. They have over 150 plus of […]

Warren Buffett’s Dream Investment: See’s Candies

Warren Buffett has bought some great businesses in his career, including Coca-Cola, American Express, and Apple. But his dream business is See’s Candies, the chocolatier from California. See’s Candies provided Buffett with many of the characteristics he looks for in a company, from great returns on capital, small capital needs, moat, and quality management. Buffett […]

A Free Calculator to Help You Calculate Your Dollar Cost Average Investments!

Updated: 9/07/2023 One of the most beautiful things about dollar cost averaging (or “ratable lump sum investing”) is that you’re buying on a predetermined timeline. The downside of this is that it can make it extremely tough to track your actual cost basis, however…and that’s why I made a free calculator to help! Key Takeaways […]

Sure I Save Taxes, but is the 401k Worth It?

Updated 3/28/2024 The 401k is one of the most popular tools for investing for retirement because so many employers offer it. But, believe it or not, there’s some skepticism about whether it’s worth it. In this post, I want to dive deep into the 401k and explore the times when it’s the most beneficial and […]

Best Investment Plans to Consider for Your Children’s Future [Pros and Cons]

There are many different options including 529 college savings accounts, a simple stock account for your child, or a standard savings account. The short answer, you can’t go wrong when it comes to investing in your child. Any money you set aside in any type of account is fantastic. However, there are a few things […]

A Dependent Care FSA Can Save You Up To $1,850 Each Year!

Updated 6/3/2024 If you know anything about me, you know that I am a literal fanatic (psycho) about personal finance. I love finding continuous ways to optimize my finances in the most optimal solution, and that’s exactly how I came across the Dependent Care FSA. I listen to personal finance podcasts and read all sorts […]

What are the Best Types of IRA for My Retirement Goals?

Updated 3/26/2024 When I first started investing, trying to understand all of the lingo and complicated methods was simply overwhelming. Many of us have likely heard of retirement accounts, but chances are, we have no idea what they do or why they’re there. That’s the exact reason why I want to dive into Individual Retirement […]

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