Navigating the Storm: Understanding Stock Drawdowns

“The real key to making money in stocks is not to get scared out of them.” -Peter Lynch Drawdowns are a part of life for every investor. If you own stocks for the long run, you will experience them at some point. To hold stocks long-term, we must understand drawdowns, their causes, and how to […]

IFB307: Buy When There Is Blood In The Street

Welcome to episode 307 of “The Investing For Beginners Podcast”! In today’s episode, Andrew and Dave will be diving into the topic of buying when there is blood in the street. With recent extreme volatility in the market, we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to discuss how this can present an opportunity to […]

Understanding Where Investment Returns Come From: Yield, Growth, and Multiple Expansion

Achieving financial success in the stock market demands a profound grasp of the three sources of investment returns: Yield, Growth, and Multiple expansion. But how many of us understand those sources? Think of investment returns like a stew with yield, growth, and multiple expansions as the ingredients creating investment success. In today’s post, we will […]

IFB306: The Bond Market Demystified: Understanding Risk, Return, and Allocation

Welcome back to another episode of The Investing For Beginners Podcast! In today’s episode, Andrew abd Dave to dive into the fascinating world of bonds. With interest rates proving to be volatile in the past year, they discuss how different types of bonds can be used strategically to offset this volatility. They cover the importance […]

IFB298: Causation Is Not Correlation

Welcome to the Investing for Beginners podcast! Today’s episode will all be about beta, causation and correlation in the stock market! It’s quite a technical topic as it is hard show numbers through the podcast but we will do our best as always to piece it together as simple as possible. Listen on as we […]

Operating Leverage Formula: How to Calculate It with the Income Statement

Updated 9/3/2023 “For a fundamental investor, anticipating revisions in expectations is the key to generating attractive returns. Sources of those revisions include fundamental outcomes (typically earnings revisions) and an assessment of how the market will value those fundamentals (multiple expansion or contraction). Investors who are able to forecast earnings in a year’s time that are […]

Beginner’s Guide to the Yahoo Finance Numbers (Updated)

Updated 7/12/2023 Let’s assume you are an absolute beginner when it comes to using ticker systems like Yahoo Finance. The world of stock investments might seem confusing and overwhelming, with plenty of symbols and slang. Don’t worry. I’ve broken down the basics to the stock market before, with my beginner’s guide having been viewed over […]

Investment Terms Everyone Should Know

Updated 9/3/2023 If you are new to investing, all the terms and jargon might seem overwhelming. But today’s post will help you learn some of the more common terms used in investing. Remember, learning to invest is like eating a pizza; you have to eat it piece by piece, and eventually, you will have it […]

Convertible Preference Shares – Great Alternative to Buying Bonds

Updated 8/7/2023 Preferred shares are the red-headed stepchild of the investment world; they are relatively unknown among most investors. But investors such as Warren Buffett use them to invest in companies such as Occidental, as recently as May 2019. Preferred shares come in many different flavors, and today’s article will uncover the magic of convertible […]

Debt Financing Vs. Equity Financing: The Grudge Match

Updated 7/24/2023 CEOs have one job, to deploy company capital in a way that grows the company. To do this, they have a choice: use debt financing vs. equity financing. Whichever choice they choose goes a long way towards the continued profitability of their company. Ratios such as return on equity, capital, or invested capital […]

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