IFB76: Market Outlook and Predictions

Welcome to Investing for Beginners pocket and this is episode 76. Tonight Andrew and I are going to do something a little different for us, we’re going to talk about some fun predictions. We’re going to go off the radar and off the range a little bit and talk about some upcoming predictions we think […]

Robinhood DRIP Problems and What Dividend Investors Should Do

One of the drawbacks to investing with Robinhood for the dividend investor is that they currently (as of Sept 2018) don’t offer automatic DRIP with their positions. A Robinhood DRIP would be a fantastic feature for users– especially considering that many of the investors who use their platform are beginners. There are many benefits to […]

IFB70: The 3 Major Types of Investment Risk and How to Combat Them

  Welcome to Investing for Beginners podcast this is episode 70. Tonight Andrew and I are going to discuss risk, we’re going to talk about all the different types of risks there are with investing and we have a very interesting show coming up for you. So without any further ado I’m going to turn […]

Mastering the Valuation of Shares in Stocks by Combining Ratios

Trying to determine a reasonable valuation of shares for a stock you are considering can be equated, in some ways, with the way and strategies many people use when they go hunting. I had my first hunting experience back in early 2017 with a friend who was a seasoned hunting enthusiast. I found that the […]

IFB66: Should You Research Owners Earnings or Options?

Welcome to Investing for Beginners podcast, this is episode 66. Today we’re going to talk about several different topics, we’re going to talk a little bit about owners earnings. Which is one of Warren Buffett’s favorite formulas, if you will, or thoughts and ideas on how he looks at a business. And we’re also going […]

IFB65: Listener Q&A: Stop Loss, Fractional Shares & Tesla

Welcome to Investing for Beginners podcast this is episode 65. Tonight Andrew and I are going to answer some readers’ questions, we’ve gotten some fantastic questions over the last few weeks and Andrew and I wanted to take a few minutes to go ahead and answer those. I’m going to go ahead and start off […]

IFB60: Personal Finance 101: Money Lessons to Our 5 Year Olds

  Welcome to Investing for Beginners podcast this is episode 60. Tonight we’re going to talk about money lessons for our five-year-olds. Andrew and I both have younger daughters and we’re going to talk a little bit about money and what we would teach our kids if we wanted to teach them more about money […]

IFB59: Listener Q&A: DCA, Canadian DRIPs, Recent Negative Earnings

Welcome to Investing for Beginners podcast this is episode 59. Tonight Andrew and I are going to answer some reader questions, he’s gotten some emails and we wanted to go take a moment and read through those. We’re going to read some stories and we’re also going to answer some questions so I’m going to […]

IFB58: Efficiency and Financial Ratios Formulas: ROA, ROE, & ROC

  Welcome to Investing for Beginners podcast, this is episode 58. Tonight Andrew and I are going to talk about financial ratios and we’re going to talk about some ones that we have not discussed before so this will be fun. We’re going to take a shot at talking about return on assets, return on […]

IFB57: Comprehensive List of the Best Investing Books for Beginners

Welcome to Investing for Beginners podcast episode 57, Andrew and I are going to take a stab at talking about some of our favorite books. Books are a fantastic way to learn and as Andrew and I are both self-taught investors we thought we would share some of the books that have helped shape our […]

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