IFB174: Bottleneck Businesses and Secular Growth Trends with Braden Dennis

Announcer (00:02): II love this podcast because it crushes your dreams of getting rich quick. They actually got me into reading stats for anything you’re tuned in to the Investing for Beginners podcast led by Andrew Sather and Dave Ahern. Step-by-step premium investing guidance for beginners. Your path to financial freedom starts now. Dave (00:33): […]

Price to Sales is NOT Relevant When Margins Are High – 20Y [S&P 500 Data]

The price to sales ratio (or the P/S ratio) has long been a reliable metric for uncovering value because (1) sales tend to be more consistent, and (2) they give a way to value companies that aren’t profitable. But this is changing as high tech companies become more of the norm. And you can see […]

Understanding the Commercial Banking Industry – A Simple Guide

Updated 1/5/2024 “Banking is a very good business if you don’t do anything dumb.” Warren Buffett The banking industry is an unknown entity to most of the investing public, and most are unfamiliar with what a bank does to make money. Commercial banking is the financial world’s bedrock, and most of us couldn’t exist without […]

Time to Settle the Debate – Are We In An ETF Bubble?

One thing that I have heard many times before is that we are in an ETF bubble.  Personally, I kinda see both sides of the coin on this topic, but I know that it’s something that we should really think about it when we’re investing. First off, what is an ETF?  Per Wikipedia, it is […]

Insider Ownership Legalese Made Simple: How to Investigate It Yourself

Depending on the public company, the insider ownership situation can be simple or very complex. Publicly traded corporations can divvy up ownership through 1 class, or multiple classes of shares, and can designate these classes as voting or non-voting. Companies with active founders can sometimes structure their share classes in this way in order to […]

Election 2020: Effect of the Proposed Biden Corporate Tax to the Stock Market

As the election approaches, investors naturally grow nervous with the uncertainty. With Joe Biden’s promises to increase corporate taxes and capital gains taxes, investors wonder about the effect to the stock market as a whole, and whether they should sell ahead of the election. Because this is a financial website, I will not bring my […]

MLP Valuation – Taxes and Metrics for this High Yielding Investment

Master Limited Partnerships, also known as MLPs, are a great vehicle for income investors, similar to REITs, in that they distribute the majority of their earnings in the form of dividends. However, not many investors are familiar with these types of investments, let alone how to conduct an MLP valuation. Dividends and the search for […]

I’m Ready to Invest – How Do I Know What Stocks to Buy?

So, I’ve finally been able to sell you on the concept of how compound interest can literally change lives and now you’re wondering how to take advantage.  Knowing what stocks to buy is obviously the hardest question to answer but it’s something that I am prepared to help you with!  But first, there are a […]

17 Financial Freedom Quotes to Change Your Life

Personal Finance always begins with knowledge/learning, but even if you know what to do, it is so easy to fall off the bandwagon!  You have to keep going, even when things get tough, and I think that the best way to do this is to take a look at some Financial Freedom Quotes to change […]

Deferred Revenue: Debit or Credit and its Flow Through the Financials

Basic accounting for public companies can get confusing with different terms that mean the same thing (like deferred and unearned revenue), vs opaque definitions (such as recording a debit or credit on deferred revenues, assets, or expenses). Let’s clear that up. Of course, we should know that understanding the intricacies behind deferred revenue is of […]

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