Understanding the Importance of Financial Literacy for Youth

In a world where there are so many problems, if we understood the importance of financial literacy for youth, so many could be solved. It wasn’t that long ago when graduating from high school and going straight to work was the norm. My grandparents were married at 18, had their first child at 20, and […]

How to Calculate Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) – w. Real Examples

The DSO acronym in finance stands for average days sales outstanding, and is critical to understanding a company’s revenue and sales trends. The DSO calculation is simple, yet its usefulness should not be glossed over. Using the DSO formula can help a financial analyst spot when a company could be “stuffing the channel”, leading to […]

Fintech 101: Intro to Financial Technology

Updated 12/19/2023 Fintech or financial technology describes new tech that seeks to enable and improve financial services. Despite the uptick in fintech and how we use our money, many consumers and investors remain unclear about what “fintech” means. From the latest headlines proclaiming the latest disruption in business to the emerging crypto landscape, fintech occupies […]

The Intelligent Investor: Is it Outdated? Is it for Beginners? Should I Read it?

Edited 3/24/2023 Warren Buffett started learning about investing when he was seven or eight. I know a late bloomer. Buffett’s father started a small investment firm, and a young Warren started his investing journey. He picked up different books lying around, becoming bitten by the investing bug. Fast forward to eleven years old, and Buffett […]

Why You Should Start an HSA Investment Strategy if You Haven’t Already

When you talk about retirement, you typically hear words like 401K or IRA. What you should be thinking about is an HSA investment strategy, and here is more info. Today’s main topic will be helping you understand why and how you need to consider a Health Savings Account (HSA) investment strategy. But first, let us […]

A Dependent Care FSA Can Save You Up To $1,850 Each Year!

Updated 6/3/2024 If you know anything about me, you know that I am a literal fanatic (psycho) about personal finance. I love finding continuous ways to optimize my finances in the most optimal solution, and that’s exactly how I came across the Dependent Care FSA. I listen to personal finance podcasts and read all sorts […]

How to Reduce Transportation Costs With 5 Basic & Practical Tips

After food and shelter, transportation costs can be one of the most significant daily expenses for people. We usually need it to get to our jobs, so it can be hard to save on it. So let’s look at how to reduce transportation costs through 5 basic tips. Even one of these could be a […]

Ready, Set, GO RETIRE!

Preparing for retirement can seem like a daunting task, but the earlier you start, the more buffer that you provide to yourself.  On your mark, get set – GO RETIRE!   Does this sound like you? Age: 18-25 Married: Matter? Yep, but not for retirement Kids: Matter? Absolutely, but again, not for retirement Employed? Ok, kinda […]

What Are the Rules on your Income to Rent Ratio in Today’s World?

I remember being 16-years old and thinking that moving out from my parents’ house was going to be the best day of my life.  While the freedom was great, what I didn’t know at the time was how expensive it would be.  For almost any person nowadays, rent (or mortgage) is the biggest expense per […]

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