How Often to Monitor Portfolio? Controversial Take, But I Say DAILY

Anyone and everyone will tell you that you shouldn’t check monitor portfolio performance too often because it is going to cause you to make an impulsive decision and sell when you shouldn’t, right? I googled “how often should i check my investments” and what do you think came up?  I took the first five results […]

How is the Nasdaq Calculated? – A Simple Guide

The NASDAQ, or the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations, is a market index just like the S&P 500 or the Dow Jones Industrial Average, but it is an index that is different in nature than both of those indices, so it really begs the question – how is the NASDAQ calculated? While the […]

Simple Vehicle Maintenance Checklist to Save Your Budget

Don’t get a nice car.  Pay for your car outright.  Maybe don’t even get a car if you can manage without one.  If you’re into the Financial Independence world, you have heard all of these things said, but they’re easier said than done.  However, a simple way for you to save money on your car […]

The Best Budget Planner Online Today (That’s Also the Simplest to Use)

This blog post is something that is really near and dear to my heart.  I truly think that so many people are in debt because they don’t know how to budget or simply don’t want to.  Well, I have developed what I think is the best budget planner and I have made it available to […]

Will the Coronavirus Go Down as the Worst Stock Market Crash, Ever?

In a recent episode of the Investing for Beginners Podcast, Andrew and Dave talked about the coronavirus and the impact that it has been having on the market and it really sparked my interest and posed the question – will the coronavirus go down as the worst stock market crash, ever? I think that the […]

Why a Scalable Income is Better Than an Hourly Wage for Wealth Building

I recently went through a very thorough review of The Essays of Warren Buffett and did a total book review and now I am on to my next book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, and we’re tackling Chapter 1: discussing why scalable income is better than an hourly wage for wealth building. I cannot speak specifically […]

The Essays of Warren Buffett: A Complete Book Summary

I feel like I’ve been reading the Essays of Warren Buffett for literally a lifetime, and although it hasn’t nearly need that long, it does feel like I’ve obtained a lifetime of information from his book.  Looking back at some of the previous summaries that I have written, Buffett does an amazing job of making […]

Worst 401k Mistakes – The Biggest One will SHOCK You

A 401k is a wonderful thing as long as you’re using it correctly.  Something that I have learned over the years is that so many people are making 401k mistakes and they don’t even know it.  Sometimes I get asked questions from coworkers about what they should do regarding their 401k and it: Makes me […]

Some Popular (and Unpopular) Wealth Creation Strategies

When someone says fire is your first instinct to run for the door?  To be honest, I think that I’m at the point now where I’m ready to talk about my Roth IRA and some of my wealth creation strategies… For those of you that might be unfamiliar, FIRE, to some people, stands for Financial […]

How Long Will My Money Last with the 4% Rule? (Based on History)

If you’ve ever listened to even 5 minutes of a Financial Independence podcast, then you’ve likely heard something about the 4% rule.  The 4% rule is a very simple rule of thumb, but for someone like myself that loves to dive into the numbers – I always asked myself, actually how long will my money […]

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