Important HSA Rollover Rules: How to Utilize them Efficiently

Have you found yourself in a situation where you might need to rollover your HSA?  If so, no worries!  There are a few HSA rollover rules that you need to keep in mind but they’re all very easy to follow as long as you take the time to understand them. If you’re like me and […]

Comparing Compound Interest from Paying Student Loans vs Investing

If you listened to the most recent episode of the Investing for Beginners Podcast with Andrew and Dave, then you heard them both GO IN on their opinions of whether you should take any extra money at the end of the month and pay off student loans or if you should invest that money.  Personally, […]

The Best Investing Instagram Accounts to Follow for Tips and Advice

I recently wrote a post about learning how to invest from different YouTube channels because if you’re anything like me, then you’re likely a visual learner.  Learning is great, but when you’re first getting started doing anything that’s new, you need to stay motivated if you want to stick with it, and I think these […]

5 Historical Stock Market Facts That Can Help Boost Your Returns

Investing is tough, right?  Wrong!  Investing is like anything else – it’s only tough if you don’t know what you’re doing.  We’re here to help you along the way and I’ve outlined 5 key stock market facts that will help you in your investing journey! 1 – If you invested in the S&P 500 the […]

How the HSA and its Wonderful Triple Tax Advantage Builds Wealth

If you don’t know what an HSA is then you have come to the right place.  HSA stands for a Health Savings Account, but in all actuality, it is so much more.  If you’re anything like how I was about 6 months ago, then you might know what an HSA is, but you likely have […]

What’s Different about the 10K vs. 10Q and How to Quickly Find Each

Ladies and Gentlemen – tonight you are in for a matchup of the ages –10K vs. 10Q!! Standing over in the left corner is the World Champion Heavyweight in the world! This heavyweight really packs a punch and only fights once/year, but when they fight, the fights really have a ton of meaning behind them!  […]

More Thoughts on How to Analyze a Stock’s Growth

If you listened to Andrew and Dave’s recent episode dividend growth investing, or maybe your even read my post that talked a little bit more about investing in a growth stock and felt like you were craving a little bit more, I have good news – we have more for you!  Andrew and Dave recorded […]

Top Philip Fisher Quotes on a Matured Investing Strategy

If you’ve been following along with some of my blog posts on the extremely popular book, ‘Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits’ by Phillip Fisher, then you know already that Fisher is a great philosopher of growth investing.  And if you’ve read any of my posts before, then you know that I love myself some great […]

Succeed with Dividend Growth Investing by Analyzing a Stock’s Growth

In a recent episode of the Investing for Beginners Podcast, Andrew and Dave broke down how to analyze a stock’s potential by using dividend growth investing history.  Luckily for us, they broke it up into a 2-part session (which means we get double the information ?) and split it amongst two different podcast episodes (Part […]

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