Looking at all of the Advantages of a Personal Loan

There are all types of loans available to you, but one some don’t think about is a personal loan. There are a lot of advantages of how you can use that money. Keep reading below to see if it works for you. If you are looking to borrow money for an “asset”, getting a secured […]

Understanding all the Disadvantages of Loans and the Problems they can Bring

In today’s world, it is easy to go to a bank and get money, however, you should understand the disadvantages of loans before overextending yourself. Are you just starting your early adulthood and looking for your first real job and place to live on your own? Or are you middle-aged with a family looking for […]

A Better Understanding of How Often to Apply for a Credit Card

A credit card can be a tool or a nuisance depending on how you use it. Keep reading to better understand how often you can apply for a credit card. The old saying that “cash is king” still exists today, but cash is starting to come in all different forms. No longer will you see […]

Team Debit Card or Team Credit Card? You Decide!

Updated 5/30/2024 In the personal finance community, there are passionate discussions about every financial topic you could imagine. And as you might anticipate, some of them can get pretty feisty – well, one of those debates is about credit vs. debit cards. Credit cards have a ton of perks as you might know, but there […]

Understanding all the Visa Perks on Different Credit Card Options

With so many different credit card options available, it’s important to weigh all the possibilities. Check out the Visa perks on these different cards and what may work for you. 50 years ago, credit cards were something that only the extremely wealthy used. There were often a ton of extra charges, and you never would […]

Evaluating the Allegiant Credit Card Perks and if it Makes Sense for You

When it comes to choosing a credit card and rewards program, there are a ton of different options to choose from. Keep reading to see all the Allegiant credit card pros and cons. One of the most “millennial” things right now is collecting credit card rewards. And while young folks have really turned their attention […]

Understanding the Target Red Card Perks and How They can Benefit You

Consumers have a ton of options when looking for new payment options. As with any financial decision, it’s best to weigh all options. Keep reading for Target Red Card perks. In today’s world, the value of cash is almost zero. No, I don’t mean that cash can’t buy you things or doesn’t have monetary value, […]

A Deeper Look at all of the Credit Card Pros and Cons that Exist

We now live in a world where most people solely use credit cards, cash is a blast from the past. Check out these credit card pros and cons before making the leap. Are you at a point where you are considering your first credit card? Or do you have a relative, spouse, child, or some […]

99 Mind Blowing Money Facts [2022]

It’s just money…why do people get so up in arms about it? Well, you’re about to get 101 reasons why with these mind-blowing money facts! 1 – Average 401k balance by age: 2 – Less than 17% of high schoolers took a semester of personal finance 3 – 2 less states conducted personal finance than […]

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